Research Data Leeds Repository
Items where Year is 2018
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Abbas, Syed Zaheer and Dupont, Valerie and Mahmud, Tariq (2018) Dataset associated with "Modelling of H2 production via sorption enhanced steam methane reforming at reduced pressures for small scale applications". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Abou-Saleh, Radwa H. and Hernandez-Gomez, Mercedes and Amsbury, Sam and Paniagua, Candelas and Bourdon, Matthieu and Miyashima, Shunsuke and Helariutta, Ykä and Fuller, Martin and Budtova, Tatiana and Connell, Simon D. and Ries, Michael and Benitez-Alfonso, Yoselin (2018) Dataset associated with 'Interactions between callose and cellulose revealed through the analysis of biopolymer mixtures'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Adams, Peter G. and Vasilev, Cvetelin and Hunter, C. Neil and Johnson, Matthew (2018) Dataset for a study correlating fluorescence quenching and topographic mapping of LHCII aggregates and lipid bilayers. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Adiya, Zainab Ibrahim S. G. and Dupont, Valerie and Mahmud, Tariq (2018) Data associated with 'Steam reforming of shale gas in a packed bed reactor with and without chemical looping using nickel based oxygen carrier'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Adiya, Zainab Ibrahim S. G. and Dupont, Valerie and Mahmud, Tariq (2018) Steam reforming of shale gas with Nickel and Calcium looping - dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Alqahtani, Mohammad and Atwell, Eric (2018) Annotated Corpus of Arabic Al-Quran Question and Answer. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Amey, Ruth M. J. (2018) Central Tottori Earthquake geodetic slip inversion tools and data. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Amey, Ruth M. J. (2018) Fault roughness of the Campo Felice fault – data and scripts. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Amey, Ruth M. J. (2018) Geodetic slip inversion software incorporting fractal properties - slipBERI. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Amey, Ruth M. J. (2018) Napa Valley Earthquake geodetic slip inversion tools and data. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Anastasiou, Antonios and Brown, Andrew and Jha, Animesh (2018) Data associated with 'Exogenous mineralization of hard tissues using photo-absorptive minerals and femto-second lasers; the case of dental enamel'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Askew, Graham and Neil, Thomas R. (2018) Jet-paddling jellies: swimming performance in the Rhizostomeae jellyfish Catostylus mosaicus (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824) - videos. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Bernhofen, Mark V. and Whyman, Charlie and Trigg, Mark and Sleigh, Andrew and Smith, Andrew M. and Sampson, Christopher and Yamazaki, Dai and Ward, Phillip and Rudari, Roberto and Pappenberger, Florian and Dottori, Francesco and Salamon, Peter and Winsemius, Hessel (2018) Analysis inputs for validation of six global flood models against observed flood events in Nigeria and Mozambique. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Bowland, Philippa and Ingham, Eileen and Fisher, John and Jennings, Louise (2018) Dataset associated with 'Development of a preclinical natural porcine knee simulation model for the tribological assessment of osteochondral grafts in vitro'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Brockett, Claire and Carbone, Silvia and Fisher, John and Jennings, Louise (2018) Influence of conformity on the wear of total knee replacement: An experimental study - dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Camacho, Diana M. (2018) Polythermal experimental data for crystallisation of methyl stearate as a function of solution environment. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Campbell, James M. and Christenson, Hugo K. (2018) Dataset for "Dynamic Measurement of Low Contact Angles by Optical Microscopy". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Campbell, James M. and Christenson, Hugo K. (2018) Dataset for "Nucleation- and Emergence-Limited Growth of Ice from Pores". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Carruthers, Jonathan and López-García, Martín and Gillard, Joseph J. and Laws, Thomas R. and Lythe, Grant and Molina-París, Carmen (2018) A novel stochastic multi-scale model of Francisella tularensis infection to predict risk of infection in a laboratory (computer codes). University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Castro, Mario and López-García, Martín and Lythe, Grant and Molina-París, Carmen (2018) First passage events in biological systems with non-exponential inter-event times (computer codes). University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Castro, Paul Melo e (2018) Recordings associated with "Goa, Mozambique, South Asia and Some Photographs of Ricardo Rangel: Interviews with Carla Maciel and Sílvia Braganca". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Chen, Ze and Ye, Sunjie and Evans, Stephen D. and Ge, Yuanhang and Zhu, Zhifeng and Tu, Yingfeng and Yang, Xiaoming (2018) Data associated with 'Confined Assembly of Hollow Carbon Spheres in Carbonaceous Nanotube: A Spheres-in-Tube Carbon Nanostructure with Hierarchical Porosity for High-performance Supercapacitor'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Chudpooti, Nonchanutt and Doychinov, Viktor and Akkaraekthalin, Prayoot and Robertson, Ian and Somjit, Nutapong (2018) Dataset associated with 'Non-invasive Millimeter-Wave Profiler for Surface Height Measurement of Photoresist Films'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Chudpooti, Nonchanutt and Doychinov, Viktor and Hong, Binbin and Akkaraekthalin, Prayoot and Robertson, Ian and Somjit, Nutapong (2018) Data associated with ‘Multi-modal millimeter-wave sensors for plastic polymer material characterization’. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Churchman, Adam H. (2018) Data associated with 'Combined flow-focus and self-assembly routes for the formation of lipid stabilized oil-shelled microbubbles'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Cooper, Robert J. and Williams, Sophie and Mengoni, Marlène and Jones, Alison (2018) Dataset associated with 'Patient-specific parameterised cam geometry in finite element models of femoroacetabular impingement of the hip'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Copado-Mendez, Pedro Jesus and Lin, Zhiyuan and Kwan, Raymond (2018) Train Units Scheduling Optimization. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Cowie, Raelene and Jennings, Louise (2018) Data associated with 'The Influence of Calcium Sulfate Bone Void Filler on the Third Body Damage and Polyethylene Wear of Total Knee Replacements'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Cowie, Raelene and Jennings, Louise (2018) Data associated with “Wear and Friction of UHMWPE-on-PEEK OPTIMA™”. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Cui, Guanghui and Boudara, Victor A. H. and Huang, Qian and Baeza, Guilhem P. and Wilson, Andrew J. and Hassager, Ole and Read, Daniel J. and Mattsson, Johan (2018) Data for "Linear shear and nonlinear extensional rheology of unentangled supramolecular side-chain polymers". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Dent-Spargo, Rosie and Dimitrova, Vania and Gatrell, Richard and Hallam, Jennifer and Harkin, Pat and Hennessy, Scott and Piotrkowicz, Alicja and Treasure-Jones, Tamsin (2018) myPAL Co-design Phase 1 Visualisations. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Duangrit, Nattapong and Hong, Binbin and Andrew, Burnett and Akkaraekthalin, Prayoot and Robertson, Ian and Somjit, Nutapong (2018) Dataset associated with "Terahertz Dielectric Property Characterization of Photopolymers for Additive Manufacturing". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Edwards, Jennifer and Herbert, Anthony (2018) Strain rate dependant and dynamic mechanical properties of porcine superflexor tendons - dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Eisele, Heribert (2018) Dataset associated with "High-performance GaAs/AlAs superlattice electronic devices in oscillators at frequencies 100–320 GHz". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Elliott, Laura (2018) Salt enhanced solvent relaxation during rapid spin-lattice NMR data set. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Evans, Richard M. L. (2018) Ultimatum game steady-state and transient evolution data. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Favretto, Nicola (2018) Data associated with 'Links between climate change mitigation, adaptation and development in land policy and ecosystem restoration projects: lessons from South Africa'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ferguson, Calum T. J. and Al-Khalaf, Areej A. and Isaac, R. Elwyn and Cayre, Olivier J. (2018) Data associated with 'pH-responsive polymer microcapsules for targeted delivery of biomaterials to the midgut of Drosophila suzukii'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Gala de Pablo, Julia (2018) Dataset associated with Tandem fluorescence and Raman (fluoRaman) characterisation of a novel photosensitiser in colorectal cancer cell line SW480. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Gala de Pablo, Julia and Armistead, Fern and Peyman, Sally A. and Bonthron, David and Lones, Michael and Smith, Stephen and Evans, Stephen D. (2018) Dataset associated with 'Biochemical fingerprint of colorectal cancer cell lines using label-free live single-cell Raman spectroscopy'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Goldsmith, Kathryn and Pittard, Julian (2018) Statistics, images, and other files pertaining to a comparison of shock-cloud and wind-cloud interactions (Paper II). University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Goycoolea, Francisco M. and Hoffmann, Stefan and Leonardi, Darío and Salomon, Claudio and Real, Daniel (2018) Data associated with 'Chitosan-based nanodelivery systems applied to the development of novel triclabendazole formulations'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Green, David (2018) Dataset for 'Controlling the fluorescence and room-temperature phosphorescence behaviour of carbon nanodots with inorganic crystalline nanocomposites'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Halcrow, Malcolm A. and Burrows, Kay E. and Kulmaczewski, Rafał and Cespedes, Oscar and Barrett, Simon A. (2018) Data to support study of the speciation of homochiral and heterochiral diastereomers of homoleptic cobalt(II) and zinc(II) PyBox complexes. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Halcrow, Malcolm A. and Capel Berdiell, Izar and Kulak, Alexander N. and Warriner, Stuart L. (2018) Data to support study of Heterometallic Coordination Polymer Gels Supported by 2,4,6-Tris(Pyrazol-1-yl)-1,3,5-Triazine. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Halcrow, Malcolm A. and Capel Berdiell, Izar and Warriner, Stuart L. (2018) Data to support study of silver(I) complexes of bis- and tris-(pyrazolyl)azine derivatives – dimers, coordination polymers and a pentametallic assembly. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Halcrow, Malcolm A. and Galadzhun, Iurii and Kulmaczewski, Rafał and Cespedes, Oscar and Yamada, Mihoko and Yoshinari, Nobuto and Konno, Takumi (2018) Data to support study of 2,6-Di(pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine-4-carboxylate Esters with Alkyl Chain Substituents, and their Iron(II) Complexes. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Han, Yingjun (2018) Data associated with 'Gas spectroscopy through multimode self-mixing in a double-metal terahertz quantum cascade laser'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Han, Yingjun (2018) Dataset associated with 'Silver-based surface plasmon waveguide for terahertz quantum cascade lasers'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Hardie, Michaele and Arkawazi, Hayder and Clowes, Rob and Cooper, Andrew and Konno, Takumi and Kuwamura, Naoto and Pask, Christopher M. (2018) Data to support study "Complex phase behavior and structural transformations of metal-organic frameworks with mixed rigid and flexible bridging ligands". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Hardie, Michaele and Oldknow, Samuel and Rota Martir, Diego and Pritchard, Victoria and Blitz, Mark A. and Fishwick, Colin and Zysman-Colman, Eli (2018) Data to support study "Structure-switching M3L2 Ir(III) coordination cages with photo-isomerising azo-aromatic groups". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Hardie, Michaele and Thorp-Greenwood, Flora and Berry, Gilberte Therese and Boyadjieva, Sophia and Oldknow, Samuel (2018) Data to support study "2D networks of metallo-capsules and other coordination polymers from a hexapodal ligand". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Harvie, Andrew J. (2018) Ultrafast Trap-State Mediated Electron Transfer for Quantum Dot Redox Sensing - Associated data. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Heun, Matthew and Owen, Anne and Brockway, Paul E. (2018) Empirical datasets for Applied Energy journal article "A physical supply-use table framework for energy analysis on the energy conversion chain". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Hong, Binbin and Chudpooti, Nonchanutt and Akkaraekthalin, Prayoot and Somjit, Nutapong and Cunningham, John and Robertson, Ian (2018) Data and figures associated with ‘Investigation of Electromagnetic Mode Transition and Filtering of an Asymptotically Single-mode Hollow THz Bragg Fibre’. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Humphreys, Philippa (2018) Identifying North Africans in the French Internal Resistance. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ibanga, Ikpe E. and Fletcher, Louise A. and Noakes, Catherine J. and King, Marco-Felipe and Steinberg, Dave (2018) Data for Pilot-scale biofiltration at a Materials Recovery Facility – Impact on Bioaerosol Control. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ivanovic, Ruza and Gregoire, Lauren and Wickert, Andrew (2018) Climate model data presented in 'Climatic effect of Antarctic meltwater overwhelmed by concurrent Northern hemispheric melt'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ivanovic, Ruza and Gregoire, Lauren and Wickert, Andrew (2018) Climate model data presented in 'Climatic effect of Antarctic meltwater overwhelmed by concurrent Northern hemispheric melt': background. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ivanovic, Ruza and Gregoire, Lauren and Wickert, Andrew (2018) Climate model data presented in 'Climatic effect of Antarctic meltwater overwhelmed by concurrent Northern hemispheric melt': hiN_leads_loS. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ivanovic, Ruza and Gregoire, Lauren and Wickert, Andrew (2018) Climate model data presented in 'Climatic effect of Antarctic meltwater overwhelmed by concurrent Northern hemispheric melt': hiN_loS. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ivanovic, Ruza and Gregoire, Lauren and Wickert, Andrew (2018) Climate model data presented in 'Climatic effect of Antarctic meltwater overwhelmed by concurrent Northern hemispheric melt': hiS_leads_loN. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ivanovic, Ruza and Gregoire, Lauren and Wickert, Andrew (2018) Climate model data presented in 'Climatic effect of Antarctic meltwater overwhelmed by concurrent Northern hemispheric melt': hiS_loN. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ivanovic, Ruza and Gregoire, Lauren and Wickert, Andrew and Mitrovica, Jerry (2018) Climate model data presented in 'Acceleration of northern ice sheet melt induces AMOC slowdown and northern cooling in simulations of the early last deglaciation'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ivanovic, Ruza and Gregoire, Lauren and Wickert, Andrew and Mitrovica, Jerry (2018) Climate model data presented in 'Acceleration of northern ice sheet melt induces AMOC slowdown and northern cooling in simulations of the early last deglaciation': hs1. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ivanovic, Ruza and Gregoire, Lauren and Wickert, Andrew and Mitrovica, Jerry (2018) Climate model data presented in 'Acceleration of northern ice sheet melt induces AMOC slowdown and northern cooling in simulations of the early last deglaciation': lgm_control. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ivanovic, Ruza and Gregoire, Lauren and Wickert, Andrew and Mitrovica, Jerry (2018) Climate model data presented in 'Acceleration of northern ice sheet melt induces AMOC slowdown and northern cooling in simulations of the early last deglaciation': routed_meltwater. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
James, Alexander D. and Brooke, James S. A. and Mangan, Thomas P. and Whale, Thomas F. and Plane, John M. C. and Murray, Benjamin J. (2018) Data associated with 'Nucleation of nitric acid hydrates in Polar Stratospheric Clouds by meteoric material'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Jeuken, Lars J. C. (2018) MatLab codes for Tracking Analysis and Shannon Entropy Analysis. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Johnston, Helena and Abdelgaied, Abdellatif and Pandit, Hemant and Fisher, John and Jennings, Louise (2018) Data set for paper "Representing the Effect of Variation in Soft Tissue Constraints in Experimental Simulation of Total Knee Replacements". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Jones, Sophie A. and Bailey, James and Walker, David R. E. and Bryan-Brown, Guy P. and Jones, J. Cliff (2018) Data for 'Method for tuneable homeotropic anchoring at micro-structures in liquid crystal devices'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Jull, Ethan and Gleeson, Helen (2018) An all-optical responsive azo-doped liquid crystal laser protection filter - dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kelly, Robert (2018) Laboratory data and simulation files for partially-confined gravity currents. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Khan, Risalat A. and Nembach, Hans T. and Ali, Mannan and Shaw, Justin M. and Marrows, Christopher H. and Moore, Thomas A. (2018) Dataset associated with "Magnetic domain texture and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in Pt/Co/IrMn and Pt/Co/FeMn thin films with perpendicular exchange bias". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
King, Marco-Felipe and Khan, Amirul and Delbosc, Nicolas and Gough, Hannah L. and Halios, Christos and Barlow, Janet F. and Noakes, Catherine J. (2018) Dataset associated with 'Modelling urban airflow and natural ventilation using a GPU-based lattice-Boltzmann method'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kirk, Carole (2018) Dataset associated with ‘Painting as emergent knowledge: exploring contemporary artistic labour as a process of ecological cognition’. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kirk, Carole (2018) Digital story for Jetty making. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kirk, Carole (2018) Explore through collage. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kirk, Carole (2018) Feeling a way through …. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kirk, Carole (2018) The Garden of Earthly Delights. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kirk, Carole (2018) The Gesture of Thinking. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kirk, Carole (2018) Keep Off. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kirk, Carole (2018) Looking. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kirk, Carole (2018) Painting the Sea. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kirk, Carole (2018) Ruffles. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kirk, Carole (2018) Seals. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kirk, Carole (2018) Talking about Aldershot Map. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kirk, Carole (2018) Talking about edges of figure on 'Keep Off'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kirk, Carole (2018) Wordless fragments extract. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kirk, Carole (2018) The migration of gesture …. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Knox, Craig S. and Li, Lianhe and Rosamond, Mark C. and Linfield, Edmund and Marrows, Christopher H. (2018) Dataset Associated with 'Deconvolution of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling by crystal axis dependent measurements of coupled InAs/GaSb quantum wells'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Konpang, Jessada and Sandhu, Muhammad and Somjit, Nutapong and Hunter, Ian (2018) Dataset associated with 'Four-port diplexer for high Tx/Rx isolation for integrated transceivers'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kundu, Iman and Dean, Paul and Valavanis, Alexander and Freeman, Joshua R. and Rosamond, Mark C. and Li, Lianhe and Han, Yingjun and Linfield, Edmund and Davies, A. Giles (2018) Data associated with 'Continuous frequency tuning with near constant output power in coupled Y-branched terahertz quantum cascade lasers with photonic lattice'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kundu, Iman and Wang, Feihu and Qi, Xiaoqiong and Nong, Hanond and Dean, Paul and Freeman, Joshua R. and Valavanis, Alexander and Agnew, Gary and Grier, Andrew and Taimre, Thomas and Li, Lianhe and Indjin, Dragan and Mangeney, Juliette and Tignon, Jérôme and Dhillon, Sukhdeep S. and Rakić, Aleksandar D. and Cunningham, John and Linfield, Edmund and Davies, A. Giles (2018) Dataset associated with 'Ultrafast switch-on dynamics of frequency tuneable semiconductor lasers'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Li, Changjia and Holden, Joseph and Grayson, Richard P. (2018) Dataset associated with 'Effects of needle ice on peat erosion processes during overland flow events'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Li, Lianhe and Kundu, Iman and Han, Yingjun and Salih, Mohammed and Linfield, Edmund and Garrasi, Katia and Vitiello, Miriam S. (2018) Dataset associated with ‘Broadband heterogeneous THz quantum cascade laser based on LO-phonon-assisted interminiband transitions’. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Liu, Aiqin (2018) Data associated with ‘Development of a pre-clinical experimental simulation model of the natural porcine knee with appropriate ligamentous constraints’ University of Leeds. [Dataset]. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Liu, Harry and Kaur, Sarabjot and Srigengan, Shajeth and Gleeson, Helen (2018) Self-assembling polymer filaments - dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Lunn, David and Chapman, Graham and Redmond, Anthony (2018) Motion analysis in total joint replacement patients: Data Release 1. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
López-García, Martín and Kypraios, Theodore (2018) A unified stochastic modelling framework for the spread of nosocomial infections (computer codes). University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Makhov, Dmitry and Saita, Kenichiro and Martinez, Todd and Shalashilin, Dmitrii (2018) Data associated with 'Ab initio multiple cloning simulations of pyrrole photodissociation: TKER spectra and velocity map imaging'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Martin, Esther M. and Jackson, Matthew P. and Gamerdinger, Martin and Gense, Karina and Karamanos, Theodoros and Humes, Julia R. and Deuerling, Elke and Ashcroft, Alison E. and Radford, Sheena E. (2018) Data associated with 'Conformational flexibility within the nascent polypeptide–associated complex enables its interactions with structurally diverse client proteins'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Matsumoto, Kenta and Kimata, Motoi and Kondou, Kouta and Temple, Rowan C. and Marrows, Christopher H. and Otani, Yoshichika (2018) Magneto-thermodynamic properties and anomalous magnetic phase transition in FeRh nano-wires dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Maycock, Amanda C. (2018) 11 year solar cycle ozone coefficients from CMIP6 ozone dataset presented in ‘The representation of solar cycle signals in stratospheric ozone. Part II: Analysis of global models'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Mazurenko, Ievgen and Jeuken, Lars J. C. (2018) Data for Timelapse (movie) of single vesicles fluorescence change upon potential application. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Mistry, Devesh and Connell, Simon D. and Micklethwaite, Stuart and Morgan, Philip and Clamp, John H. and Gleeson, Helen (2018) Dataset associated with publication: ‘Coincident Molecular Auxeticity and Negative Order Parameter in a Liquid Crystal Elastomer’. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Nikkhou, Maryam and Gleeson, Helen and Muševič, Igor (2018) Dataset associated with Creation and topological charge switching of defect loops on a long fibre in the nematic liquid crystal dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Noble, Alice and O’Reilly, John and Glaves, David J. and Crowle, Alistair and Palmer, Sheila M. and Holden, Joseph (2018) Data associated with ‘Impacts of prescribed burning on Sphagnum mosses in a long-term peatland field experiment’. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
O'Sullivan, Daniel and Adams, Michael P. and Tarn, Mark D. and Vergara-Temprado, Jesús and Porter, Grace C. E. and Holden, Mark and Sanchez-Marroquin, Alberto and Carotenuto, Federico and Whale, Thomas F. and McQuaid, James B. and Murray, Benjamin J. (2018) Dataset associated with 'Contributions of biogenic material to the atmospheric ice-nucleating particle population in North Western Europe'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Omoniyi, Oluwafemi and Dupont, Valerie (2018) Data associated with 'Chemical looping Steam reforming of Acetic Acid in a Packed Bed Reactor'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Papic, Zlatko and Turner, Christopher J. and Michailidis, Alexios (2018) Dataset associated with 'Quantum Many-Body Scars'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Papic, Zlatko and Turner, Christopher J. and Michailidis, Alexios (2018) Dataset associated with 'Quantum Many-Body Scars'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Partridge, Susan and Buckley, Paige and Thompson, Jonathan and de Boer, Greg and Williams, Sophie (2018) Rim Deformation Data. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Patel, Jayna and Lal, Saurabh and Nuss, Katja and Wilshaw, Stacy-Paul and von Rechenberg, Brigitte and Hall, Richard and Tipper, Joanne (2018) Dataset supporting the publication of 'Recovery of low volumes of wear debris from rat stifle joint tissues using a novel particle isolation method.'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Peters, Nicolas (2018) Data associated with ‘Confinement of picosecond timescale current pulses by tapered coplanar waveguides.'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Philips, Ian (2018) Data associated with 'Capability to make journeys by walking or cycling for English Output Areas'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Pittard, Julian (2018) Colliding Stellar Winds Structure and X-ray Emission. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Potter, David G. and Wiseman, Scott and Blitz, Mark A. and Seakins, Paul W. (2018) Dataset for 'Laser Photolysis Kinetic Study of OH Radical Reactions with Methyl tert-Butyl Ether and Trimethyl Orthoformate under Conditions Relevant to Low Temperature Combustion: Measurements of Rate Coefficients and OH Recycling'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Price, Hannah and Baustian, Kelly J. and McQuaid, James B. and Blyth, Alan and Bower, Keith N. and Choularton, Thomas and Cotton, Richard J. and Cui, Zhiqiang and Field, Paul R. and Gallagher, Martin and Hawker, Rachel and Merrington, Alexander and Miltenberger, Annette and Neely III, Ryan R. and Parker, Simon T. and Rosenberg, Philip D. and Taylor, Jonathan W. and Trembath, Jamie and Vergara-Temprado, Jesús and Whale, Thomas F. and Wilson, Theodore W. and Young, Gillian and Murray, Benjamin J. (2018) Datasets associated with 'Atmospheric ice-nucleating particles in the dusty tropical Atlantic'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ramirez-Solis, Sergio and Dupont, Valerie and Milne, Steven J. (2018) Data associated with 'Preparation and Evaluation of CaO-based CO2 Sorbents Deposited on Saffil Fibre Supports'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Redmond, Anthony and Tennant, Alan and Horton, Mike and Ndosi, Mwidimi (2018) Systemic Sclerosis Quality of Life (SScQoL) instrument: translation and cross cultural validation across seven European countries (UK, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Germany and Poland). University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Richards, Thomas C. and Desai, Amey D. and Chakrabarty, Samit (2018) Scripts associated with 'Identifying Shared Pathways Across Multiple Muscle Groups of the Human Upper Limb'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ries, Michael (2018) Data associated with 'Microscopic and macroscopic properties of carbohydrate solutions in the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium acetate'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Roncal-Herrero, Teresa and Harrington, John and Zeb, Aurang and Milne, Steven J. and Brown, Andrew (2018) Nanoscale compositional segregation and suppression of polar coupling in a relaxor ferroelectric - dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Satchell, Nathan and Birge, Norman O. (2018) Supercurrent in ferromagnetic Josephson junctions with heavy metal interlayers dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Shahbazi, Kowsar and Hrabec, Aleš and Moretti, Simone and Ward, Michael B. and Moore, Thomas A. and Jeudy, Vincent and Martinez, Eduardo and Marrows, Christopher H. (2018) Magnetic properties and field-driven dynamics of chiral domain walls in epitaxial Pt/Co/AuxPt1-x trilayers - dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Shepley, Philippa M. and Burnell, Gavin and Moore, Thomas A. (2018) Strain and domain wall creep in Pt-Co-Ir thin films. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Shepley, Philippa M. and Tunnicliffe, Harry and Shahbazi, Kowsar and Burnell, Gavin and Moore, Thomas A. (2018) Dataset associated with "Magnetic properties, domain-wall creep motion, and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in Pt/Co/Ir thin films". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Sindoni, Giulia and Sano, Katsuhiko and Stell, John G. (2018) Axiomatizing Discrete Spatial Relations (extended version with omitted proofs and automated theorem prover). University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Smith, Alison F. and Messenger, Michael P. and Hall, Peter S. and Hulme, Claire T. (2018) The Role of Measurement Uncertainty in Health Technology Assessments (HTAs) of In-vitro Tests - Dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Smith, Christopher J. (2018) HadGEM2 radiative kernels. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Smith, Christopher J. (2018) HadGEM2 radiative kernels. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Solernou, Albert and Hanson, Benjamin S. and Richardson, Robin A. and Welch, Robert and Read, Daniel J. and Harlen, Oliver G. and Harris, Sarah A. (2018) Analysis and comparison of FFEA with all-atom molecular dynamics. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Solodkov, Nikita V. and Jung-uk, Shim and Jones, J. Cliff (2018) Data associated with 'Self-Assembly of Fractal Liquid Crystal Colloids'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Solodkov, Nikita V. and Nagaraj, Mamatha and Jones, J. Cliff (2018) Data associated with "Effects of monoclinic symmetry on the properties of biaxial liquid crystals". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Spencer, Charles and Gayles, Jacob and Porter, Nicholas and Sugimoto, Satoshi and Aslam, Zabeada and Kinane, Christian J. and Charlton, Timothy and Freimuth, Frank and Chadov, Stanislav and Langridge, Sean and Sinova, Jairo and Felser, Claudia and Blügel, Stefan and Mokrousov, Yuriy and Marrows, Christopher H. (2018) Helical magnetic structure and the anomalous and topological Hall effects in epitaxial B20 Fe1-yCoyGe films dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Spragg, Jennifer and Mahmud, Tariq and Dupont, Valerie (2018) Hydrogen production from bio-oil: a thermodynamic analysis of sorption-enhanced chemical looping steam reforming - dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Tarn, Mark D. and Sikora, Sebastien N. F. and Porter, Grace C. E. and O'Sullivan, Daniel and Adams, Michael P. and Whale, Thomas F. and Harrison, Alexander D. and Vergara-Temprado, Jesús and Wilson, Theodore W. and Shim, Jung-uk and Murray, Benjamin J. (2018) Data for 'The study of atmospheric ice-nucleating particles via microfluidically generated droplets'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Temple, Rowan C. and Almeida, Trevor P. and Massey, Jamie R. and Fallon, Kayla and Lamb, Raymond and Morley, Sophie A. and Maccherozzi, Francesco and Dhesi, Sarnjeet S. and McGrouther, Damien and McVitie, Stephen and Moore, Thomas A. and Marrows, Christopher H. (2018) Dataset associated with ‘Antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic phase domain development in nanopatterned FeRh islands’. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Vergara-Temprado, Jesús and Holden, Mark and Orton, Thomas R. and O'Sullivan, Daniel and Umo, Nsikanabasi S. and Browse, Jo and Reddington, Carly L. and Baeza-Romero, María Teresa and Jones, Jenny M. and Lea-Langton, Amanda and Williams, Alan and Carslaw, Ken S. and Murray, Benjamin J. (2018) Is black carbon an unimportant ice-nucleating particle in mixed-phase clouds? Dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Vergara-Temprado, Jesús and Miltenberger, Annette and Furtado, Kalli and Grosvenor, Daniel and Shipway, Ben J. and Hill, Adrian A. and Wilkinson, Jonathan M. and Field, Paul R. and Murray, Benjamin J. and Carslaw, Ken S. (2018) Strong control of Southern Ocean cloud reflectivity by ice-nucleating particles - Dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Wareing, Christopher J. and Pittard, Julian and Wright, Nicholas J. and Falle, Samuel (2018) Dataset associated with 'A new mechanical stellar wind feedback model for the Rosette Nebula'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
White, Robert and Dupont, Valerie and Cockerill, Tim (2018) Data associated with 'Thermodynamic modelling and energy balance of direct methanation of glycerol for Bio-SNG production'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Wright, Penny and Oyebode, Jan and Clare, Linda and Brayne, Carol and Al-Janabi, Hareth and Hoare, Zoe and Kind, Paul and Tennant, Alan and Pini, Simon and Megson, Molly and Ingleson, Emma (2018) Dementia Carers Instrument Development (DECIDE) - Qualitative interview data. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Wright, Penny and Oyebode, Jan and Clare, Linda and Brayne, Carol and Al-Janabi, Hareth and Hoare, Zoe and Kind, Paul and Tennant, Alan and Pini, Simon and Megson, Molly and Roberts, Linda, NWORTH Clinical Trials Unit, Bangor (2018) Dementia Carers Instrument Development (DECIDE) - data introduction. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Wright, Penny and Oyebode, Jan and Clare, Linda and Brayne, Carol and Al-Janabi, Hareth and Hoare, Zoe and Kind, Paul and Tennant, Alan and Shearsmith, Leanne and Megson, Molly and Roberts, Linda, NWORTH Clinical Trials Unit, Bangor (2018) Dementia Carers Instrument Development (DECIDE) Workstream 1 Phase 3 data. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Xu, Jiren and Morris, Paul J. and Liu, Junguo and Holden, Joseph (2018) Dataset for Nature Sustainability paper “Hotspots of peatland-derived potable water use identified by global analysis”. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ye, Sunjie and Brown, Andrew and Stammers, Ashley C. and Thomson, Neil H. and Roach, Lucien and Bushby, Richard J. and Coletta, P. Louise and Critchley, Kevin and Connell, Simon D. and Markham, Alexander F. and Brydson, Rik and Evans, Stephen D. (2018) Data associated with "Sub-Nanometer Thick Gold Nanosheets as Highly-efficient Catalysts". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ye, Sunjie and Wheeler, May C. and McLaughlan, James R. and Tamang, Abiral and Diggle, Christine P. and Cespedes, Oscar and Markham, Alexander F. and Coletta, P. Louise and Evans, Stephen D. (2018) Dataset associated with 'Developing Hollow-channel Gold Nanoflowers as Trimodal Intracellular Nanoprobes'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Zapata-Cornelio, Fernando and Wilcox, Ruth (2018) A methodology for the generation and non-destructive characterisation of transverse fractures in long bones – Data set. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Zeissler, Katharina and Finizio, Simone and Shahbazi, Kowsar and Massey, Jamie R. and Al Ma'Mari, Fatma and Bracher, David M. and Kleibert, Armin and Rosamond, Mark C. and Linfield, Edmund and Moore, Thomas A. and Raabe, Jörg and Burnell, Gavin and Marrows, Christopher H. (2018) Dataset associated with 'Discrete Hall resistivity contribution from Néel skyrmions in multilayer nanodiscs'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Zhang, Huagui and Tangparitkul, Suparit and Hendry, Brogan and Harper, Joseph and Kim, Yun Kon and Hunter, Timothy N. and Lee, Jae W. and Harbottle, David (2018) Data associated with 'Selective separation of cesium contaminated clays from pristine clays by flotation'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Zhang, Zhaopeng and Gleeson, Helen (2018) Polarised Raman spectroscopy data of nematic liquid crystals 5CB and E63. University of Leeds. [Dataset]