Research Data Leeds Repository

MatLab codes for Tracking Analysis and Shannon Entropy Analysis


Jeuken, Lars (2018) MatLab codes for Tracking Analysis and Shannon Entropy Analysis. University of Leeds. [Dataset]

Dataset description

The code is adapted from the code the authors used to generate the data published in the associated papers. Minor improvements to condence the code have been made since the publication. The code is for fitting the time-resolved microscopy data (movies) of bacterial motility with the method detailed in the paper. The mircoscopy data (movies) is not included in this dataset due to very large size of the datasets.To run the code, you should run either the MATLAB script 'basicTrackingScript.m' or 'basedShannonEntroScript.m' to peform Tracking Analysis or Shannon Entropy analysis, respectively. Details on how to assign filenames of the movies to be analysis and how to provide additional information, such as times corresponding to relevant video frames, isi indicated with comments in the script 'basicTrackingScript.m' or 'basedShannonEntroScript.m'. A table of the MatLab Code Dependencies of the functions used in the code is included.

Keywords: Tracking Analysis; Shannon entropy; Video tracking; Microscopy; Bacterial Motility; MatLab
Subjects: C000 - Biological sciences > C700 - Molecular biology, biophysics & biochemistry > C770 - Biophysical science
Divisions: Faculty of Biological Sciences > Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology
Faculty of Biological Sciences > School of Biomedical Sciences
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License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Date deposited: 17 Dec 2018 12:27




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