Research Data Leeds Repository
Items where Year is 2016
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Abou-Saleh, Radwa H. (2016) Dataset associated with "Influence of intercalating perfluorohexane into the lipid shell on nano and microbubbles stability". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Addis, James and Kaur, Sarabjot and Binks, David and Dickinson, Mark and Greco, Cristina and Ferrarini, Alberta and Görtz, Verena and Goodby, John and Gleeson, Helen (2016) Data associated with 'Second-harmonic generation and the influence of flexoelectricity in the nematic phases of bent-core oxadiazoles'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Addis, James and Mohammed, Noor and Rotimi, Olorunda and Magee, Derek and Jha, Animesh and Subramanian, Venkataraman (2016) Data associated with 'Raman spectroscopy of endoscopic colonic biopsies from patients with ulcerative colitis to identify mucosal inflammation and healing'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ali, Murat and Partridge, Susan and Al-Hajjar, Mazen (2016) Dataset associated with 'Influence of hip joint simulator design and mechanics on the wear and creep of metal-on-polyethylene bearings'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Alomari, Muhannad and Dukes, Kais (2016) Extended train robots. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Alsiary, Hind Abdullah (2016) Mapping the field of children’s literature translation in Saudi Arabia: Translation flow in accordance with Socio-Cultural norms. Bibliographical Data List - Part of Doctoral Thesis. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Anastasiou, Antonios and Jha, Animesh and Mathieson, Robert and Brown, Andrew (2016) Data associated with 'Sintering of calcium phosphates with a femtosecond pulsed laser for hard tissue engineering'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Andean, James (2016) Electroacoustic Mythmaking: National Grand Narratives in Electroacoustic Music. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Anduix-Canto, Clara (2016) Data associated with 'Effect of nanoscale confinement on the crystallization of potassium ferrocyanice'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Angliss, Sarah (2016) Keynote 3: Music at any cost - fulfilling our desires for intense sonic experiences in the electric and pre-electric eras. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Austin, Kevin (2016) A Brief Speculative History of EA in Canada. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Bacon, David R. and Burnett, Andrew and Swithenbank, Matthew and Russell, Christopher and Li, Lianhe and Wood, Christopher and Cunningham, John and Linfield, Edmund and Davies, A. Giles and Dean, Paul and Freeman, Joshua R. (2016) Dataset relating to "Free-space terahertz radiation from a LT-GaAs-on-quartz large-area photoconductive emitter". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Bao, Peng (2016) Data Associated with 'Controlling Transmembrane Protein Concentration in Supported Lipid Bilayers'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Beadling, Andrew R. (2016) A Link Between the Tribology and Corrosive Degradation of Metal-on-Metal THRs – Supporting Data. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Bertolani, Valentina (2016) The First Festival of Live Electronic Music at the University of California Davis (1967). University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Born, Georgina (2016) Keynote 5: How can and should we write alternative histories of electronic musics? New thoughts on time, history, and electronic musics. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Bosma, Hannah (2016) The (lack of) documentation and canonization of interdisciplinary electroacoustic music. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Bowers, John (2016) The Victorian Synthesizer. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Bretman, Amanda and Rouse, James (2016) Data associated with Rouse and Bretman 2016 'Exposure time to rivals and sensory cues affect how quickly males respond to changes in sperm competition threat'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Brilmayer, Benedikt (2016) The Trautonium: Oskar Sala and the development of electronic music in Germany. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Brockett, Claire and Carbone, Silvia and Abdelgaied, Abdellatif and Fisher, John and Jennings, Louise (2016) PEEK CFR-PEEK pin plate study dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Brown, Gregory and Johnston, Katharine and Hoare, Melvin and Lumsden, Stuart (2016) Connecting low- and high-mass star formation: the intermediate-mass protostar IRAS 05373+2349 VLA 2 - Images. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Burge, Christina and Van Loo, Sven and Falle, Samuel and Hartquist, Thomas (2016) Ambipolar-diffusion regulated collapse of filaments. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Camacho, Diana M. and Roberts, Kevin J. (2016) Raw data for the analysis of the growth kinetics and morphology of methyl stearate crystals growing in n-dodecane, kerosene and toluene. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Campbell, James M. and Meldrum, Fiona C. and Christenson, Hugo K. (2016) Observing the Formation of Ice and Organic Crystals in Active Sites. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Cheng, Feng and Dupont, Valerie and Twigg, Martyn V. (2016) Supporting data for “Temperature-programmed reduction of nickel steam reforming catalyst with glucose”. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Cowie, Raelene and Jennings, Louise (2016) Data associated with “Influence of Third Body Particles Originating from Bone Void Fillers on the Wear of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene”. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Cowie, Raelene and Jennings, Louise (2016) Data associated with “PEEK-OPTIMA (Trademark) as an Alternative to Cobalt Chrome in the Femoral Component of Total Knee Replacement: A Preliminary Study”. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Cox, Geoffrey (2016) ‘Sound was an end in itself’: Early documentary sound and the prefiguring of musique concrete. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Dack, John (2016) The language connection in early electronic music: French and German approaches. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Dal Farra, Ricardo (2016) Why didn’t you tell me this before? (Maybe you didn’t want to hear this side of the story). University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Du, Heshan and Cohn, Anthony G. (2016) An Ontology of Soil Properties and Processes. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Duckworth, Paul and Alomari, Muhannad and Cohn, Anthony G. (2016) Mobile robot observing kitchen activities - University of Leeds. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Duckworth, Paul and Jovan, Ferdian and Kunze, Lars (2016) STRANDS people trajectories - G4S deployment. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Dupont, Valerie (2016) Data for “Kinetics study and modelling of steam methane reforming process over a NiO/Al2O3 catalyst in an adiabatic packed bed reactor” in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Dupont, Valerie (2016) Supporting data for “Direct reduction of nickel catalyst with model bio-compounds”. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Emmerson, Simon (2016) Keynote 1: The Many Histories. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Evans, Richard M. L. and Welsh, Tom and Hall, Craig (2016) XY model steady state phase diagram. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Feshareki, Shiva and Hewitt, Ivan (2016) ‘Still Point’ - An Unknown Precursor of Today's Electronic Music. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Freeman, Joshua R. and Mohandas, Reshma A. and Rosamond, Mark C. and Hatem, Osama and Chowdhury, Siddhant and Ponnampalam, Lalitha and Fice, Martyn and Seeds, Alwyn J. and Cannard, Paul J. and Robertson, Michael J. and Moodie, David G. and Cunningham, John and Linfield, Edmund and Davies, A. Giles and Dean, Paul (2016) Generation of continuous wave terahertz frequency radiation from MOCVD grown Fe-doped InGaAs and InGaAsP. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Galloway, Johanna M. and Bird, Scott and Talbot, Jennifer and Shepley, Philippa M. and Bradley, Ruth and Critchley, Kevin (2016) Nano- and micro-patterning biotemplated magnetic CoPt arrays. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Gardner, James (2016) The Don Banks Music Box to The Putney: The genesis and evolution of the VCS3 synthesiser. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Goldsmith, Kathryn and Pittard, Julian (2016) Raw data, statistics, and images pertaining to the interaction of a magnetohydrodynamical shock with a filament. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Green, David (2016) Dataset for 3D Visualization of Additive Occlusion and Tunable Full-Spectrum Fluorescence in Calcite. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Green, David and Ihli, Johannes and Kim, Yi-Yeoun and Chong, Samantha and Lee, Phillip A. and Empson, Christopher and Meldrum, Fiona C. (2016) Dataset for Rapid-Screening of Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in the Presence of Amino Acids. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Green, Owen (2016) A role for contingent histories in teaching electronic music? University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Greenall, Nicholas and Valavanis, Alexander and Desai, Hemant J. and Acheampong, Daniel O. and Li, Lianhe and Cunningham, John and Davies, A. Giles and Linfield, Edmund and Burnett, Andrew (2016) Data associated with 'Design and Development of a Semtex Simulant Suitable for Measurements at THz Frequencies Using a Genetic Algorithm'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Greenall, Nicholas and Valavanis, Alexander and Desai, Hemant J. and Acheampong, Daniel O. and Li, Lianhe and Cunningham, John and Davies, A. Giles and Linfield, Edmund and Burnett, Andrew (2016) Data associated with 'The Development of a Semtex-H Simulant for Terahertz Spectroscopy'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Grier, Andrew and Dean, Paul and Valavanis, Alexander and Keeley, James and Kundu, Iman and Cooper, Jonathan D. and Agnew, Gary and Taimre, Thomas and Lim, Yah Leng and Bertling, Karl and Rakić, Aleksandar D. and Harrison, Paul and Linfield, Edmund and Ikonić, Zoran and Davies, A. Giles and Indjin, Dragan (2016) Data associated with 'Origin of terminal voltage variations due to self-mixing in terahertz frequency quantum cascade lasers'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Han, Yingjun (2016) Dataset associated with 'Extraction-controlled terahertz frequency quantum cascade lasers with a diagonal LO-phonon extraction and injection stage'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Hardie, Michaele and Fowler, Jonathan and Thorp-Greenwood, Flora and Willans, Charlotte E. and Warriner, Stuart L. (2016) M12L8 metallo-supramolecular cube with cyclotriguaiacylene-type ligand: spontaneous resolution of cube and its constituent host ligand. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Hardie, Michaele and Pritchard, Victoria and Thorp-Greenwood, Flora and Coogan, Michael (2016) Data to support study of synthesis and characterisation of rhenium tricarbonyl polypyridine-functionalised cyclotriguaiacyclene ligands. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Hardie, Michaele and Thorp-Greenwood, Flora and Brennan, Alexander and Oldknow, Samuel and Henkelis, James J. and Simmons, Katie and Fishwick, Colin (2016) Data to support study of synthesis of pseudorotaxanes from pillar[5]arene and cyclotriguaiacyclene-type axles. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Harrison, Alexander D. and Whale, Thomas F. and Carpenter, Michael A. and Holden, Mark and Neve, Lesley and O'Sullivan, Daniel and Vergara-Temprado, Jesús and Murray, Benjamin J. (2016) Dataset associated with ‘Not all feldspars are equal: a survey of ice nucleating properties across the feldspar group of minerals'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Harvie, Andrew J. and Booth, Matthew and Chantry, Ruth L. and Hondow, Nicole and Kepaptsoglou, Demie M. and Ramasse, Quentin M. and Evans, Stephen D. and Critchley, Kevin (2016) Dataset associated with 'Observation of Compositional Domains Within Individual Copper Indium Sulfide Quantum Dots'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Haworth, Christopher (2016) The Hauntological Turn: Genealogy, History Making, and ‘the Contemporary’ in Electronic Music. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Helliwell, Ian (2016) Tape Leaders - Excavating early British electronic music. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Hession, Paul (2016) Tony Oxley: Music from Knives and Egg Slicers. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Hong, Binbin and Swithenbank, Matthew and Somjit, Nutapong and Cunningham, John and Robertson, Ian (2016) Data associated with ‘Asymptotically single-mode small-core terahertz Bragg fibre with low loss and low dispersion’. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Hrabec, Aleš and Gonçalves, Francisco J. and Spencer, Charles and Arenholz, Elke and N'Diaye, Alpha and Stamps, Robert L. and Marrows, Christopher H. (2016) Spin-orbit interaction enhancement in permalloy thin films by Pt-doping. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Hua, Xijin and Fisher, John (2016) Finite element model for the modular total hip replacements: investigation of edge loading during daily activities. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ingham, Eileen and Jones, Gemma and Herbert, Anthony and Berry, Helen and Edwards, Jennifer and Fisher, John (2016) Decellularisation and characterisation of porcine superflexor tendon: a potential anterior cruciate ligament replacement. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ingham, Eileen and Vafaee, Tayyebeh and Thomas, Daniel and Desai, Amisha and Jennings, Louise and Berry, Helen and Rooney, Paul and Kearney, John and Fisher, John (2016) Characteristics of low concentration SDS decellularised human donor aortic and pulmonary valved conduits. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kaur, Sarabjot and Gleeson, Helen (2016) Graphene electrodes for adaptive liquid crystal contact lenses. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Khan, Risalat A. and Shepley, Philippa M. and Hrabec, Aleš and Wells, Adam and Ocker, Berthold and Marrows, Christopher H. and Moore, Thomas A. (2016) Dataset associated with "Effect of annealing on the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in Ta/CoFeB/MgO trilayers". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kim, Suk-Jun (2016) Searching for Alternative Histories in Electronic Music through a Survey on Discourses of Space-Place Relations. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kim, Yi-Yeoun (2016) Dataset for 'Strain-Relief by Single Dislocation Loops in Calcite Crystals Grown on Self-Assembled Monolayers'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kim, Yi-Yeoun (2016) Dataset for 'Tuning hardness in calcite by incorporation of amino acids'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kolkowski, Aleks and Reuben, Federico (2016) Singing Arcs: Sounding the Early History of Electronic Music. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Kulak, Alexander N. and Grimes, Rebecca and Kim, Yi-Yeoun and Semsarilar, Mona and Anduix-Canto, Clara and Cespedes, Oscar and Armes, Steven P. and Meldrum, Fiona C. (2016) Polymer-Directed Assembly of Single Crystal Zinc Oxide/ Magnetite Nanocom-posites under Atmospheric and Hydrothermal Conditions. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Landy, Leigh (2016) Keynote 4: Rethinking the History of Sound-based Music. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Levenstein, Mark A. (2016) Dataset for 'A reproducible approach to the assembly of microcapillaries for double emulsion production'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Li, Shunbo (2016) Dataset associated with Rapid Preparation of Highly Reliable PDMS Double Emulsion Microfluidic Devices. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Linch, Kevin (2016) Individual records of desertion from the British Army 1807-1815. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Linch, Kevin (2016) Portsmouth Volunteers 1803-1805 correspondence. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Magnusson, Thor (2016) Generative Music: A Form without a Format. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Makhov, Dmitry and Martinez, Todd and Shalashilin, Dmitrii (2016) Data associated with 'Toward fully quantum modelling of ultrafast photodissociation imaging experiments. Treating tunnelling in the ab initio multiple cloning approach'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
McFarlane, Laura and Altringham, John and Askew, Graham (2016) Take-off flight performance in blue tits. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
McLean, Alex (2016) Unravelling live coding. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Meng, Qingen and Damion, Robin and Wilcox, Ruth and Jones, Alison (2016) Dataset for "The Effect of Collagen Fibril Orientation on the Biphasic Mechanics of Articular Cartilage". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Mengoni, Marlène and Wilcox, Ruth (2016) Ovine annulus fibrosus damage material model calibration data set. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Miles, Danielle E. and Wilcox, Ruth and Beales, Paul A. (2016) Data Associated with paper titled: Peptide:glycosaminoglycan hybrid hydrogels as an injectable intervention for spinal disc degeneration. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Monroe, Alexei (2016) Industrial Activity: Kraftwerk's Radio-Activity as dystopian sonic template. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Mooney, James (2016) How the Institutional Data Repository helped me promote my data. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Mooney, James (2016) Hugh Davies, "Galactic Interfaces", "Mobile with Differences", and "Printmusic"; Alex McLean, "Printmusic - Live Coded"; and David Keane, "Les Voix Spectrales": Performances by Grey Area and Alex McLean, with pre-concert lecture by James Mooney. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Mooney, James (2016) Hugh Davies, "Quintet" and "Music for a Single Spring"; Stockhausen, "Verbindung" and "Intensitat" from "Aus den Sieben Tagen"; Christian Wolff, "Edges"; and Owen Green, "Neither the Time nor the Energy": Performances by Grey Area, with pre-concert lecture by James Mooney. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Mooney, James (2016) Hugh Davies, "Voice", "Not to be Loaded with Fish", and "Birth of Live Electronic Music"; plus improvisations: Performances by Steve Beresford, Phil Minton, Aleks Kolkowski and Sean Williams, with pre-concert lecture by James Mooney. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Mooney, James and Boon, Tim and Schampaert, Dorien (2016) International Conference: Alternative Histories of Electronic Music, 2016. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Mooney, John W. and Ghasemi-Roudsari, Shima and Banham, Edward R. and Pawlowski, Nick and Varcoe, Ben (2016) Time series and images for 'A Portable Diagnostic Device for Cardiac Magnetic Field Mapping'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Morgan, Frances (2016) The problem with pioneers: how media narratives of exceptional women distort the history of female involvement in electronic music. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Neely III, Ryan R. and Schmidt, Anja (2016) VolcanEESM: Global volcanic sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions database from 1850 to present. Centre for Environmental Data Analysis. [Dataset]
O'Sullivan, Daniel and Murray, Benjamin J. and Ross, James and Webb, Michael E. (2016) Data for "The adsorption of fungal ice-nucleating proteins on mineral dusts: a terrestrial reservoir of atmospheric ice-nucleating particles". University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ojanen, Mikko (2016) Electroacoustic music in Finland in the 1960s and 1970s: a case study of Erkki Kurenniemi’s music and instrument design. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Oladokun, Abimbola (2016) Fretting of CoCrMo and Ti6Al4V Alloys in Modular Prostheses. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Otto, Andi (2016) Fello demo. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Otto, Andi (2016) The early years of STEIM. Ambiguities of "Electro-Instrumental" music. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Palermo, Settimio F. (2016) Serendipitous and Subversive: A Critical Organology of Hugh Davies’s Found Instruments. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Parolini, Giuditta (2016) Music Without Musicians: Pietro Grossi’s Experience in Electronic and Computer Music. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Patteson, Thomas (2016) Organic Instruments: Early Electrophones and the Valorization of Technology in the Weimar Republic. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Peyman, Sally A. (2016) Data associated with 'On-chip preparation of nanoscale contrast agents toward high-resolution ultrasound imaging'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Pigott, Jon (2016) Electromechanical Perspectives of Sound and Music. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Pinch, Trevor (2016) Keynote 2: Electronic Music Filtered Through Science and Technology Studies. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Price, Hannah and Mattsson, Johan and Murray, Benjamin J. (2016) Datasets associated with 'Sucrose diffusion in aqueous solution'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Price, Peter (2016) The Cosmic Vision and Telepathic Following of Bruce Haack. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Purser, Simon and Lumsden, Stuart and Hoare, Melvin and Urquhart, James and Cunningham, Nichol and Purcell, Cormac and Brooks, Kate and Garay, Guido and Gúzman, Andres and Voronkov, Maxim (2016) A search for ionized jets towards massive young stellar objects. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Richards, Tom (2016) Mini Oramics: Potential and Actuality. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Riley, Richard and Tate, James (2016) Database of third generation Toyota Prius operation over city centre taxi test routes. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Saladin, Matthieu (2016) Electro-acoustic feedback and the birth of sound installations. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Satchell, Nathan and Witt, James D. S. and Burnell, Gavin and Curran, Peter J. and Kinane, Christian J. and Charlton, Timothy and Langridge, Sean and Cooper, Joshaniel F. K. (2016) Dataset associated with 'Probing the Spiral Magnetic Phase in 6 nm Textured Erbium using Polarised Neutron Reflectometry'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Schampaert, Dorien (2016) The Ondes Martenot: Constructing Narratives of Obsolescence. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Schedel, Margaret (2016) Color is the Keyboard. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Sinsheimer Vandagriff, Rachel (2016) The Pre-History of the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Smirnov, Andrey (2016) Music out of Noise, Light and Paper. Russia’s contribution to the history of electronic music and audio technology. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Subramanian, Priya and Archer, Andrew J. and Knobloch, Edgar and Rucklidge, Alastair (2016) Data associated with 'Three-dimensional Icosahedral Phase Field Quasicrystal'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Sugimoto, Satoshi (2016) Data associated with 'Observation of spin-wave Doppler shift in Co90Fe10/Ru micro-strips for evaluating spin polarization'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Tatchell-Evans, Morgan and Kapur, Nikil and Summers, Jonathan and Thompson, Harvey and Oldham, Dan (2016) Cold air bypass within contained aisle data centres - experimental bypass measurements and calculations undertaken to estimate flows through, and power consumptions of servers. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Teboul, Ezra (2016) Silicon Luthiers: a component-level history of electronic music. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Temple, Rowan C. and McLaren, Mathew and Brydson, Rik and Hickey, Bryan J. and Marrows, Christopher H. (2016) Dataset associated with 'Long spin lifetime and large barrier polarisation in single electron transport through a CoFe nanoparticle'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Trigg, Mark and Birch, Cathryn E. and Neal, Jeffrey C. and Bates, Paul D. and Smith, Andrew M. and Sampson, Christopher and Yamazaki, Dai and Hirabayashi, Yukiko and Pappenberger, Florian and Dutra, Emanuel and Ward, Phillip and Winsemius, Hessel and Salamon, Peter and Dottori, Francesco and Rudari, Roberto and Kappes, Melanie S. and Simpson, Alanna L. and Hadzilacos, Giorgis and Fewtrell, Timothy J., Global Flood Partnership (2016) Aggregated fluvial flood hazard output for six Global Flood Models for the African Continent. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Wareing, Christopher J. and Pittard, Julian and Falle, Samuel (2016) Dataset associated with 'Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of mechanical stellar feedback in a sheet-like molecular cloud'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Watson, Joe (2016) Interference patterns: reframing historical perspectives on interconnections between electronic music and cybernetics. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Weium, Frode (2016) Popular entertainers, radio hobbyist and film composers. Alternative (pre)histories of electronic music. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Wells, Adam and Shepley, Philippa M. and Marrows, Christopher H. and Moore, Thomas A. (2016) Dataset associated with 'Effect of interfacial intermixing on Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in Pt/Co/Pt'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Wilcox, Ruth and Li, Junyan (2016) Data associated with ‘The influence of the representation of collagen fibre organisation on the cartilage contact mechanics of the hip joint’. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Williams, Sean (2016) The Hohner Electronium: a 1950s portable monophonic valve synthesizer. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Williamson, Gary (2016) Data associated with 'Green tea catechins and their metabolites in human skin before and after exposure to ultraviolet radiation'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Wilson, Daniel (2016) Failed Histories of Electronic Music. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Witt, James D. S. and Cooper, Joshaniel F. K. and Satchell, Nathan and Kinane, Christian J. and Curran, Peter J. and Bending, Simon J. and Langridge, Sean and Heyderman, Laura J. and Burnell, Gavin (2016) Data set associated with 'Magnetic Phases of Sputter Deposited Thin-Film Erbium'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Woulds, Clare and Bouillon, Steven and Cowie, Greg and Drake, Emily and Middelburg, Jack and Witte, Ursula and Schwartz, Matthew and Jeffreys, Rachel M. and Larkin, Kate and Gooday, Andy and Whitcraft, Christine (2016) Benthic pulse-chase isotope tracer experiments in Loch Etive and the Ythan estuary. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Wu, Jingbo and Sydoruk, Oleksiy and Mayorov, Alexander S. and Wood, Christopher and Mistry, Divyang and Li, Lianhe and Linfield, Edmund and Davies, A. Giles and Cunningham, John (2016) Dataset relating to 'Time domain measurement of terahertz magnetoplasmon resonance in a two-dimensional electron system through direct pulse injection'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Ye, Sunjie and Benz, Felix and Wheeler, May C. and Oram, Joseph and Baumberg, Jeremy J. and Cespedes, Oscar and Christenson, Hugo K. and Coletta, P. Louise and Jeuken, Lars J. C. and Markham, Alexander F. and Critchley, Kevin and Evans, Stephen D. (2016) Data associated with 'One-step Fabrication of Hollow-channel Gold Nanoflowers with Excellent Catalytic Performance and Large Single-particle SERS Activity'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]
Zattra, Laura (2016) Collaboration and Musical Assistants at IRCAM, CCRMA, and CSC. University of Leeds. [Dataset]