Research Data Leeds Repository

Sensory attribute ratings of chocolate spreads


Gill, Victoria and Ho, Peter and Ariakpomu, Nnenna and Holmes, Melvin (2024) Sensory attribute ratings of chocolate spreads. University of Leeds. [Dataset]

Dataset description

The dataset contains sensory attribute intensity ratings on three samples of orange-flavoured chocolate spreads purchased from three UK commercial brands. The samples were evaluated by two separate panels, one trained panel (n=7) and the other untrained (n=24). Each panel rated the intensities of five attributes- orange flavour, sweetness, cocoa flavour, milky flavour and saltiness on an 8-point categorical scale (from 0-7). RedJade sensory software was used for data collection between November and December 2022.

Keywords: Attribute intensity rating; Untrained sensory panel; Trained sensory panel; Chocolate spread
Subjects: D000 - Veterinary sciences, agriculture & related subjects > D600 - Food & beverage studies > D610 - Food science
Divisions: Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences > School of Food Science and Nutrition
Date deposited: 22 Mar 2024 17:04




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