Research Data Leeds Repository

Data associated with the paper "Particle acceleration and non-thermal emission in colliding-wind binary systems" to be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society


Pittard, Julian and Romero, Gustavo E. and Vila, Gabriela S. (2021) Data associated with the paper "Particle acceleration and non-thermal emission in colliding-wind binary systems" to be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. University of Leeds. [Dataset]

Dataset description

The data is associated with a paper to be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The paper abstract is: "We present a model for the creation of non-thermal particles via diffusive shock acceleration in a colliding-wind binary. Our model accounts for the oblique nature of the global shocks bounding the wind-wind collision region and the finite velocity of the scattering centres to the gas. It also includes magnetic field amplification by the cosmic ray induced streaming instability and the dynamical back reaction of the amplified field. We assume that the injection of the ions and electrons is independent of the shock obliquity and that the scattering centres move relative to the fluid at the Alfven velocity (resulting in steeper non-thermal particle distributions). We find that the Mach number, Alfvenic Mach number, and transverse field strength vary strongly along and between the shocks, resulting in significant and non-linear variations in the particle acceleration efficiency and shock nature (turbulent vs. non-turbulent). We find much reduced compression ratios at the oblique shocks in most of our models compared to our earlier work, though total gas compression ratios that exceed 20 can still be obtained in certain situations. We also investigate the dependence of the non-thermal emission on the stellar separation and determine when emission from secondary electrons becomes important. We finish by applying our model to WR146, one of the brightest colliding wind binaries in the radio band. We are able to match the observed radio emission and find that roughly 30 per cent of the wind power at the shocks is channelled into non-thermal particles."

Subjects: F000 - Physical sciences > F500 - Astronomy > F510 - Astrophysics
Divisions: Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences > School of Physics and Astronomy
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License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Date deposited: 05 May 2021 11:51




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