######################################## ######### Directory structure ########## ######################################## 1. ./SinglePolymer - Contains all the simulation and output data of the single globular domain polymer BioNet simulations ./SinglePolymer/initialise - Contains all files required to build the simulation input files ./SinglePolymer/input - Contains the simulation input files ./SinglePolymer/output - Contains the raw simulation output files ./SinglePolymer/analysis - Contains Python analysis scripts the BioNet simulations ./SinglePolymer/results - Contains processed data and graphs 2. ./PolyproteinNetwork - Contains all the simulation and output data of the polyprotein network formation BioNet simulations ./PolyproteinNetwork/initialise - Contains all files required to build the simulation input files ./PolyproteinNetwork/input - Contains the simulation input files ./PolyproteinNetwork/output - Contains the raw simulation output files ./PolyproteinNetwork/analysis - Contains Python analysis scripts the BioNet simulations ./PolyproteinNetwork/results - Contains processed data and graphs ######################################## ### Simulation and Analysis Protocol ### ######################################## Dependencies: Dependencies for entire simulation and analysis suite. The versions used by us are shown in brackets Python (3.7.4 within Anaconda 4.7.11) Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib Cmake (3.13.4) g++(9.1) BioNet(https://bitbucket.org/GokuBH/proteinhydrogelsoftware/branches/, PolyproteinNetworkSims branch) Eigen(3.3.7) Boost(1.69) tinyxml2(https://github.com/leethomason/tinyxml2, master branch) ###### Single polymer simulations ###### 1. Build the single polymer simulations for a variety of dl/2R values cd ./SinglePolymer/initialise python buildSinglePolymerInputScripts.py ## Reason - To generate the necessary BioNet input scripts 2. Run the single polymer simulations for a variety of dl/2R values cd ./SinglePolymer/input # For each script BioNet -i SinglePolymer_ModelGC0-A_lOn2R0.010000.xml -o ../output/SinglePolymer_ModelGC0-A_lOn2R0.010000.out -t Brownian -l --steric --no-vdw --no-kinetics ## Reason - To obtain a range of simulation data within which our required models will exist 3. Analyse the parameter sweep of single polymer simulations cd ./SinglePolymer/analysis python calculatePersistanceLengths.py python plotPersistanceLengths.py ## Reason - To determine where is our paramter range of dl/2R are the required values for subsequent network formation simulations 4. Build the single polymer simulations for the parametrised systems cd ./SinglePolymer/initialise python buildSinglePolymerParametrisedInputScripts.py ## Reason - To generate the necessary BioNet input scripts 5. Run the single polymer simulations for the parametrised systems (Flexible, SemiFlexible and Rigid) cd ./SinglePolymer/input # For each script BioNet -i SinglePolymer_ModelGC0-A_Flexible.xml -o ../output/SinglePolymer_ModelGC0-A_Flexible.out -t Brownian -l --steric --no-vdw --no-kinetics ## Reason - To obtain single polymer simulation data for our required models 6. Analyse the parametrised single polymer simulations cd ./SinglePolymer/analysis python calculateParameterisedPersistanceLengths.py ## Reason - To verify the structural properties of these BioNet polymers are what we expect them to be, given our parametrisation 7. Calculate the effective rotational freedom of single polymers cd ./SinglePolymer/analysis python calculateRotationalFreedom.py ## Reason - To see whether our polymers are rotationally restricted ###### Polymer network simulations ###### 1. Build the polymer network non-interacting equilibration scripts cd ./PolyproteinNetwork/initialise python buildConfigRelaxInputScripts.py python runConfigRelaxInputScripts.py ## Reason - To generate the necessary equilibration states 2. Build the polymer network steric equilibration scripts cd ./PolyproteinNetwork/initialise python buildStericRelaxInputScripts.py python runStericRelaxInputScripts.py ## Reason - To generate the necessary equilibration states 3. Build the polymer network thermal+steric equilibration scripts cd ./PolyproteinNetwork/initialise python buildThermalStericRelaxInputScripts.py python runThermalStericRelaxInputScripts.py ## Reason - To generate the necessary equilibration states 4. Build the polymer network kinetics production scripts cd ./PolyproteinNetwork/initialise python buildKineticInputScripts.py python runKineticInputScripts.py ## Reason - To generate the necessary percolated networks 5. Build the polymer network stress production scripts cd ./PolyproteinNetwork/initialise python buildStressInputScripts.py python runStressInputScripts.py ## Reason - To generate the necessary statistics for stress calculations 6. Analsye the polymer network coordination properties cd ./PolyproteinNetwork/analysis python plotCoordination.py python plotCoordinationPairs.py ## Reason - To calculate the average coordination properties of the networks 7. Analyse cluster formation traces cd ./PolyproteinNetwork/analysis python plotClusterFormationOverTime.py ## Reason - To test for percolation and percolation speeds 8. Analyse the polymer network fractal dimensions cd ./PolyproteinNetwork/analysis python plotFractalDimensions.py python plotFractalDimensionsOverTime.py ## To gain a system-wide understanding of the fractal structure properties 8. Analyse the fluctuating forces throughout the network cd ./PolyproteinNetwork/analysis python plotLocalForces.py ## To gain insight into how force is distributed around the network