Files contain in the are experimental results for all freezing assay experiments shown in the main manuscript and supporting information. Filenames have the format: Data_YYMMDD_VIRU_name_cdXXXXXXXX where: YYMMDD is the date the experiment was run (not important for the result, just how the data file is outputted) name = 4 character code for the virus species cd = 'cell density'. May also be listed as md for 'mass density'. XXXXXX = A numeric value which is either the cell density or mass density in units pfu/ml or mg/ml for cd and md respectively Within these files are four columns: Temperature, INP/L, Fraction Frozen and K. INP/L is always zero (another feature of how the data is outputted and not important here) Exceptions are the 'K-phosphate buffer.csv. and 'Salinebuffer.csv' files which have columns 'Temperature' and 'Fraction frozen' (there are no columns headers, sorry!). If there are any questions about the data, please email Mike Adams ( :)