Optical micrographs of pulled micropipettes from either World Precision Instruments (WPI) or FIVEphoton (FP): Files are named by the company, tip diameter in microns, lens magnification, and pipette number (e.g. WPI_10um_20x_1.jpg). Misalignment Analysis: Misalignment_Analysis_Example.jpg is an example of how the raw optical images of micropipettes are analysed to determine misalignment distance. Tip_Measurements.xlsx contains the misalignment data for each measured pipette. Flow videos (used to produce figures 4 and 6 from the paper): AVI video file names are in the format of: inner fluid flowrate . middle fluid flow rate . outer fluid flow rate _ the frame rate in frames per second (e.g. 1.25.30_100fps.avi). Flow rate units are in uL/min. 1.25.30_100fps.avi is used in figure 4a 2.100.175_150fps.avi is used in figure 6c 3.30.45_100fps.avi is used in figure 4b 5.30.45_100fps.avi is used in figure 4d 5.35.45_100fps.avi is used in figure 4c 10.40.75_100fps.avi is used in figure 6a 10.50.50_100fps.avi is used in figure 4e 10.50.100_100fps.avi is used in figure 4g 10.100.175_100fps.avi is used in figure 6d 20.100.100_100fps.avi is used in figure 4f 25.50.100_100fps.avi is used in figure 4h 30.50.90_100fps.avi is used in figure 6b Rheological Measurements: The CSV files contain the viscosity measurements of all working fluids taken with a Kinexus rheometer (Malvern, UK) using a 55 mm diameter, 1 degree cone. Fluids are listed in the file name.