Title: Water-level and rainfall data of Sebangau Tropical Peatland, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Authors: Santosa Sandy Putra, Joseph Holden, and Andy Baird. e-mail: santosa-sp@mail.ugm.ac.id University of Leeds, 2021. Comments: + These field-based data are associated with a published paper entitled "The effects of ditch dams on water-level dynamics in tropical peatlands", which is authorized by Santosa Sandy Putra, Joseph Holden, and Andy Baird. + The water-level data are in cm, relative to a local benchmark for each specific site mentioned in the associated paper. + The water-table data are in cm, relative to a local surface for each specific well mentioned in the associated paper. + The rainfall and potential evapotranspiration data are in mm, associated with weather stations mentioned in the paper. + The weather station location, wells distribution and its indexes are associated with detail information mentioned in the paper.