Title: Active sites for ice nucleation differ depending on nucleation mode Authors: Mark A. Holden, James M. Campbell, Fiona C. Meldrum, Benjamin J. Murray and Hugo K. Christenson Publication details: PNAS, 2021. Introduction: This text file lists and describes the data in this repository, which is associated with the journal article named above. The data used to construct the Figures are given in comma-separated values files. Files and description: Feldspar deposition mode site identification.csv Contains the data used to identify and rank the deposition mode sites (red squares) in Figure 5, S2, S3 and S4 Quartz deposition mode site identification.csv Contains the data used to identify and rank the deposition mode sites (red squares) in Figure 5, S2, S3 and S4 Deposition mode site specificity.csv Contains the data used to construct the plots in Figure 3 deposition mode site identification for contrast enhanced light microscopy fig4.csv Contains the data used to identify and analyse the deposition mode sites in Figure 4 LD6 feldspar immersion mode high-speed video microscopy.csv Contains the data used to identify and rank the immersion mode sites (blue circles) in Figure S2, S7 LD7 feldspar immersion mode high-speed video microscopy.csv Contains the data used to identify and rank the immersion mode sites (blue circles) in Figure 5, 6, S3, S8 Quartz immersion mode high-speed video microscopy.csv Contains the data used to identify and rank the immersion mode sites (blue circles) in Figure 5, S4, S9 Immersion mode droplet freezing assay.csv Contains the immersion mode ice nucleation data for arrays of 1 ul water droplets on each of the surfaces used in these experiments in Figure S1 Sample characterisation.csv Contains the powder XRD and Raman spectroscopy data used to characterise the samples in Figure S6