# Nepal Stressor Interaction Model (Nepal SIM) ## Overview This package includes the Nepal SIM model code, example outputs, and example R scripts for analysing these outputs. The Nepal SIM model is a detail-rich, ethnographically informed agent-based model of a Nepalese smallholder village that was created for the purpose of studying the impact of multiple stressors on mountain communities. In sharing it, we aim to make the model accessible to other researchers interested in simulating such communities and to provide inspiration for other socio-ecological system modellers. A detailed description of the model and explanation of how to use it is provided in an open access article produced by the authors (Roxburgh et al., 2021). ## Software used The model was designed to work with NetLogo 5.0.5 and R version 3.5.0. Two NetLogo extensions are utilised: ‘r’ and ‘csv’. The scripts that are provided to aid analysis of results draw on ten additional R packages: ‘ggplot2,’ ‘reshape2,’ ‘scales,’ ‘shiny,’ ‘zoo,’ ‘forecast,’ ‘gridExtra,’ ‘dplyr,’ ‘data.table,’ and ‘lubridate’. These R packages are not required to run the model itself. ## Contents of package The package contains the main model script ‘NepalSim.nlogo’ along with three second-level folders: ‘r_scripts,’ ‘output,’ and ‘data_analysis.’ The first of these folders contains the R scripts that are called by the main model script and a sub-folder that contains data files that these R scripts draw on. The second of these folders is where we suggest the output of the model simulations be stored. It is provided without any contents. The third folder provides example R scripts that can be used to analyse model outputs, along with a sub-folder that contains example output from the model. ## Sources used The `mi_firstbirth_Latest.csv` file details first birth timing probabilities that are adapted from Table 1 of Karkee and Lee (2016). The `mi_nextbirth_Latest.csv` file details subsequent birth timing probabilities that are adapted from Table 2 of Karkee and Lee (2016). The `mi_dayslived_Latest.csv` file details survival probabilities adapted from data set out in the WHO (2016) life tables for Nepal. The `mi_marriageyear_Latest.csv` file contains marriage age probabilities adapted from values set out in the Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (MHP, 2012). Additionally, the NepalSim.nlogo file contains age and sex specific food consumption weightings drawn from a report by the Nepalese Ministry of Agricultural Development (2012). Additional details of the research and sources that informed the design of the model are provided in the model ODD protocol (Roxburgh et al., 2021). ## How to cite this code Nicholas Roxburgh, Lindsay C. Stringer, Andrew Evans, Raj K. GC, Nick Malleson, Alison Heppenstall (2021): Nepal Stressor Interaction Model (Nepal SIM). [Dataset]. https://doi.org/10.5518/962 ## License CC BY: This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. The license allows for commercial use. ## References • Karkee, R., Lee, A.H., 2016. Birth Spacing of Pregnant Women in Nepal: A Community-Based Study. Front. Public Heal. 4, 1–5. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2016.00205 • Ministry of Agriculture Development, 2012. Food Composition Table for Nepal. Kathmandu, Nepal. URL https://nepalindata.com/resource/food-composition-table-nepal-2012/ (accessed 6.5.16). • Ministry of Health and Population (MHP), New ERA, ICF International, 2012. Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2011. Kathmandu. URL https://dhsprogram.com/pubs/pdf/fr257/fr257[13april2012].pdf (accessed 6.5.16). • Roxburgh, N., Stringer, L.C., Evans, A., GC., R.K., Malleson, N., Heppenstall, A., 2021. [Forthcoming]. An empirically informed agent-based model of a Nepalese smallholder village. MethodsX. • WHO, 2016. Life Tables by Country: Nepal [WWW Document]. URL http://apps.who.int/gho/data/view.main.LT62120?lang=en (accessed 6.5.16).