This file serves as documentation for the other files in this folder fig1f contains the data of 'carrier concentration vs Vg' fig1f inset contains the data of 'two terminal conductance vs Vg' fig2a contains the data of 'Gate-modulation signals as a function of time for Vg = -3.1 V' fig2b contains the data of 'The FFT spectrum of the gate-modulation signals measured at Vg = -3.1 V' fig2c contains the data of 'Gate-modulation signals as a function of time and Vg' fig2d contains the data of 'FFT amplitude for gate- modulation signals plotted as a function of frequency and Vg' fig2d_calculation contains the data of 'the positions of the first four resonances obtained from full-wave simulations' fig3a contains the data of 'Time-domain gate-modulation signal measured at Vg = -3.1 V and for B = 0, 0.3, and 0.6T' fig3b contains the data of 'time-domain gate-modulation signals at Vg = -3.1 V as a function of magnetic field B' fig3c contains the data of '(Experiment) FFT amplitude for gate- modulation signals plotted as a function of frequency and magnetic field at Vg = -3.1 V' fig3c_calculations for experiment contains the data of 'calculated cyclotron resonance frequency and predicted magnetoplasmon resonance frequency' fig3d contains the data of '(Simulation) FFT amplitude for gate- modulation signals plotted as a function of frequency and magnetic field at Vg = -3.1 V' fig3d_calculations for simulations contains the data of 'calculated cyclotron resonance frequency and predicted magnetoplasmon resonance frequency' fig3e:contains the data of '(Experiment) FFT amplitude for gate- modulation signals plotted as a function of frequency and magnetic field at Vg = -2 V' fig3e_calculations for experiment contains the data of 'calculated cyclotron resonance frequency and predicted magnetoplasmon resonance frequency' fig3f contains the data of '(Simulation) FFT amplitude for gate- modulation signals plotted as a function of frequency and magnetic field at Vg = -2 V' fig3f_calculations for simulations contains the data of 'calculated cyclotron resonance frequency and predicted magnetoplasmon resonance frequency' fig4a contains the data of 'Simulated current distribution (Jx) in the plane of the 2DEG channel for Vg = -3.1 V at B = 0 T, f = 130 GHz' fig4b contains the data of 'Jx calculated along the lines across the middle (y = 0), top (y = 12.5 µm), bottom (y = -12.5 µm) of the 2DEG channel at B = 0 T, f = 130 GHz' fig4c contains the data of 'Simulated current distribution (Jx) in the plane of the 2DEG channel for Vg = -3.1 V at B = 0.1 T, f = 135 GHz' fig4d contains the data of 'Jx calculated along the lines across the middle (y = 0), top (y = 12.5 µm), bottom (y = -12.5 µm) of the 2DEG channel atB = 0.1 T, f = 135 GHz' fig4e contains the data of 'Simulated current distribution (Jx) in the plane of the 2DEG channel for Vg = -3.1 V at B = 0.3 T, f = 90 GHz' fig4f contains the data of 'Jx calculated along the lines across the middle (y = 0), top (y = 12.5 µm), bottom (y = -12.5 µm) of the 2DEG channel at B = 0.3 T, f = 90 GHz'