This repository contains images of an intermediate-mass protostar, VLA 2, within the IRAS 05373+2349 embedded cluster. The files are in FITS format, which can be opened with the SAO ds9 or Gaia programs. This dataset corresponds to the publication: Journal: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Article doi: 10.1093/mnras/stw2144 Article title: Connecting low- and high-mass star formation: the intermediate-mass protostar IRAS 05373+2349 VLA 2 Authors: G. M. Brown, K. G. Johnston, M. G. Hoare and S. L. Lumsden Author affiliations: School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, West Yorkshire, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK Contact e-mail: Contents: CARMA directory: Description: contains 2.7 mm continuum and 12CO(J=1-0) images from the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter Astronomy (CARMA) telescope array. Files: - Mol12_cont.fits - 2.7 mm continuum - Mol12_cont_pbcorr.fits - same as above but with a primary beam correction - Mol12_12CO_3klambda_immoment0_blue.fits - 12CO(J=1-0) moment zero - Mol12_12CO_3klambda_immoment0_blue_pbcorr.fits - same as above but with a primary beam correction - Mol12_12CO_3klambda_immoment0_red.fits - 12CO(J=1-0) moment zero - Mol12_12CO_3klambda_immoment0_red_pbcorr.fits - same as above but with a primary beam correction - Mol12_12CO_3klambda_immoment1.fits - 12CO(J=1-0) moment one VLA directory: Description: contains 6, 3.6 and 1.3 cm continuum images from the Very Large Array (VLA). Files: - Mol12_C.fits - C band (6 cm) continuum - Mol12_C_pbcorr.fits - same as above but with a primary beam correction - Mol12_X.fits - X band (3.6 cm) continuum - Mol12_X_pbcorr.fits - same as above but with a primary beam correction - Mol12_K.fits - K band (1.3 cm) continuum - Mol12_K_pbcorr.fits - same as above but with a primary beam correction