Research Data Leeds Repository

Data associated with the Applied Energy article 'Moving from final to useful stage in energy-economy analysis: a critical assessment'

Aramendia, Emmanuel and Brockway, Paul E. and Pizzol, Massimo and Heun, Matthew K. (2020) Data associated with the Applied Energy article 'Moving from final to useful stage in energy-economy analysis: a critical assessment'. University of Leeds. [Dataset]

Dataset description

This dataset enables to reproduce the work conducted in the Applied Energy article "Moving from final to useful stage in energy-economy analysis: a critical assessment". Input data are provided as a csv file; and R code to reproduce the causality tests and the aggregate production function modelling conducted in the paper are provided. In addition, the R code provided enables to reproduce all causality and aggregate production functions figures reported in the article.

Additional information: Data provided in the repository (both input data and R code) is shared under the CC-BY-4 license. However, please note that: - economic data in the input_data.csv file (rgdpna, rgdpe, rgdpo, L, Ladj, K, Kserv) are constructed (by indexation) from the Penn World Table v9.1 (CC-BY-4 license). Appropriate referencing of the Penn World Table when reusing these data is required: "Feenstra, Robert C., Robert Inklaar and Marcel P. Timmer (2015), "The Next Generation of the Penn World Table" American Economic Review, 105(10), 3150-3182, available for download at". - primary and final energy data (PE and FE) are constructed (by indexation) from the International Energy Agency (IEA) World Energy Extended Balances. Appropriate referencing of the dataset is required when reusing these data: "IEA. World Energy Balances 2018 Edition - Database Documentation. Technical report, International Energy Agency, 2018." - R code is provided under the MIT license.
Keywords: energy-economy analysis; energy-economy modelling; energy extended aggregate production functions; energy-GDP causality testing
Divisions: Faculty of Environment > School of Earth and Environment
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Date deposited: 14 Dec 2020 14:47





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