The data within this depository is divided into three folders (1 -3) which contain histological, biochemical and biomechanical data respectively for tested intervertebral discs (IVDs). Details of each folder follows: 1_Histology_images The folder named: “1_Histology_images” contains two further folders named “Bovine_histology_images” and “Human_histology_images” which contain histology images for bovine and human IVD tissue regions respectiveley. “1_Histology_images” also contains an image index in the file named “Image_index_bovine&human.xlsx” The “Bovine_histology_images” and “Human_histology_images” sub-folders each contain a further three folders named “DAPI”, “H&E” and “Safranin_O_Fast_green”. Each of these three folders contains a further two folders with images for cellular and decellularised IVD tissue regions; these are called “(stain name)_cellular” and (stain name)_decellularised. Within these folders are numbered .tif files, details for each (e.g magnification, tissue region etc) can be found in “Image_index_bovine&human.xlsx” in the “1_Histology_images” folder. 2_Biochemical_assays The folder names “2_Biochemical_assays” contains DNA and GAG assay data for cellular and decellularised bovine and human IVD tissue regions. This folder contains the following Microsoft Excel files: “Bovine_DNAassay_results.xlsx”, Bovine_GAGassay_results.xlsx”, Human_DNAassay_results.xlsx” and “Human_GAGassay_results.xlsx” the naming of which is self-explanatory. This folder also contains an explanation of sample naming found within the Excel files and details of how the data was processed; this information can be found in the file called “Naming_and_data_processing_biochemical_data” and is available as both .docx and .txt files. 3_Biochemical_testing The “3_Biochemical_testing” folder contains raw data for the cyclic compression testing of cellular and decellularised bovine IVD (“Bovine_cyclic_stiffness_data_pre&postDcell.xlsx”). This folder contains data for the calculation of testing loads (“Bovine_load_calculations.xlsx”) and it also contains and explanatory document (“Sample-naming_and load_calculations”, available as .docx and .txt) which explains the sample naming system found in the Excel files and details on how load calculations were made.