Research Data Leeds Repository

Analysis of the Polysemy Exhibited by Spatial Prepositions


Richard-Bollans, Adam (2020) Analysis of the Polysemy Exhibited by Spatial Prepositions. University of Leeds. [Dataset]

This item is part of the Spatial Prepositions and Situated Dialogue collection.

Dataset description

In previous work exploring the semantics of spatial prepositions in grounded settings, we conducted a study to gather annotations related to spatial language in 3D virtual environments ( Using this collected data we initially considered a semantic model based on Prototype Theory and introduced a method for learning its parameters from data which we discuss in However, though there is much to suggest that spatial prepositions exhibit polysemy, each term was treated as exhibiting a single sense. The ability for terms to represent distinct but related meanings is unexplored in the work on grounded semantics and referring expressions, where even homonymy is rarely considered. Using the previously collected data we have examined how the polysemy exhibited by spatial prepositions may be incorporated into semantic models for situated dialogue and we have tested the approaches in a reference task. The current dataset provides an archive of the associated code and results of this analysis.

Keywords: Spatial Prepositions, Spatial Semantics, Human Robot Interaction, Natural Language Processing, Referring Expression Generation
Subjects: I000 - Computer sciences > I400 - Artificial intelligence
Divisions: Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences > School of Computing
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License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Date deposited: 22 Jun 2020 16:29




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