This data contains the sources consulted for, and key characteristics of, 87 pathways for decarbonisation of heating in the UK. These pathways form the basis of a literature review carried out for the Net Zero Infrastructure Coalition, and summarised in the report “Net Zero Infrastructure Coalition: Heat Decarbonisation Roadmaps”. The Net Zero Infrastructure Coalition comprises Mott MacDonald, National Grid, Engie, Pinsent Masons, Leeds City Council, Delta-EE, the UK Green Buildings Council (UKGBC) and the UK Collaboratorium for Research on Infrastructure and Cities (UKCRIC). The “Net Zero Infrastructure Coalition: Heat Decarbonisation Roadmaps” report is the output of one work package of the coalition focusing on heat decarbonisation. Other workpackage outputs will follow. The work and production of the report was lead by Mott MacDonald with support from the above coalition members and the University of Leeds. The literature review was carried out to understand the range of heat decarbonisation pathways that have already been proposed by industry, academia and other organisations, and identify any especially useful pathways to act as a starting point for further development of the roadmaps contained within the report.  The literature review is a single .xls file and attempts to draw out and summarise some of the relevant information from each pathway including: the source of information, the context of the pathway, the pathway type and details, its effectiveness in emissions reduction, technical and financial challenges, issues of public acceptance, key assumptions, information about associated infrastructure and energy generation requirements, costs, and low regret actions. The literature review should be cited as: Josh Turner, Pepa Ambrosio-Albala, Fleur Loveridge, Catherine Bale, Simon Rees, Peter Taylor (2020): Literature Review for the Net Zero Industry Coalition heat decarbonisation roadmaps, University of Leeds. [Dataset].