**** This dataset accompanies the publication "Toward Programmed Complex Stress-Induced Mechanical Deformations of Liquid Crystal Elastomers" by Devesh Mistry and Helen Gleeson Published in a special edition of Crystals Paper DOI: 10.3390/cryst10040315 Corresponding author - Devesh Mistry email addresses: 1) deveshmistry@outlook.com 2) d.a.mistry@leeds.ac.uk 3) devesh.mistry@ucdenver.edu *** The zipped folders of this dataset contain the data and analysis grouped into three key aspects of the research and publication. The zip files labelled "Raw data..." contain the analysis from the data through to it being ready for plotting. All the results of this paper are based on analysis of the raw data found in "...\Raw analysis Eulerian director measuring\raw data\". This folder is kept here as the python scripts expect it here. The python scripts included are provided as jupyter notebooks and provide a record of the analysis performed. However, they are unlikely to execute as the folder structure was changed somewhat as the dataset was prepared such that the folder organisation made more sense. If you would like to run the scripts yourself I suggest contacting me (Devesh Mistry). The zip file "Figure plotting.zip" contains the final processed data and gnuplot plotting files used to generate the paper's figures. All .svg files were created using Inkscape. The file MESSE_functions.py is a python functions file used in several of the analysis steps.