This dataset contains experimental data derived from granulosa cell culture cryopreservation experiments and 96-well plate ice nucleation temperature measurements presented in raw_cell_data.csv contains the raw granulosa culture data consiting of cell counts for individual wells within cell batches a-h anova output file group (a-h).txt are the output files from ANOVA analysis of the granulosa culture data (Minitab v. 17.1.10) t-test_all_groups_survial.txt is the output file from T-test of survival data for all groups (Minitab v. 17.1.10) 96wellplate_freezing_temperatures.csv contains IR-NIPI derived 96-well well freezing temperatures plotted in Fig. 2 IRNIPI_plate_temperature_log_controlled_nucleation.csv contains the IR-NIPI derived 96-well plate temperature log plotted in Fig 3 where ice nucleation was manualy controlled IRNIPI_plate_temperature_log_uncontrolled_nucleation.csv contains the IR-NIPI derived 96-well plate temperature log plotted in Fig 3 where ice nucleation was uncontrolled cryocontainer water freezing temps.csv contains new data of freezing temperatures of water in 96-well plate, cryovials and cryobags plotted in Fig. 5