######################################## ######### Directory structure ########## ######################################## 1. ./AminoAcidChains - Contains all the simulation and output data of the MD simulations of amino acid chains ./AminoAcidChains/PDB - Contains PDB files for starting states of each structure ./AminoAcidChains/Gromacs - Contains all files from all parts of the Gromacs MD simulations ./AminoAcidChains/analysis - Contains Python analysis scripts for the MD simulations ./AminoAcidChains/results - Contains processed data and graphs 2. ./BioNetPolymers - Contains all the simulation andoutput data of the BioNet simulations of globular domain polymers ./BioNetPolymers/initialise - Contains all files required to build the simulation input files for the BioNet simulations ./BioNetPolymers/input - Contains the simulation input files for the BioNet simulations ./BioNetPolymers/output - Contains the raw simulation output files from the BioNet simulations ./BioNetPolymers/analysis - Contains Python analysis scripts for the BioNet simulations ./BioNetPolymers/results - Contains processed data and graphs ./BioNetPolymers/movies - Contains general movies of different types of simulation ./BioNetPolymers/movies/SupplementaryMovies - Contains Supplementary movies of the range of possible flexibilities through the variation of each of our tested material properties and geometric structures ######################################## ### Simulation and Analysis Protocol ### ######################################## Dependencies: Dependencies for entire simulation and analysis suite. The versions used by us are shown in brackets Gromacs (2019.1) MDAnalysis (https://www.mdanalysis.org/, 0.19.2) Cmake (3.13) g++(9.1) tinyxml2(https://github.com/leethomason/tinyxml2, master branch) Eigen(3.3.7) Boost(1.69) BioNet(https://bitbucket.org/GokuBH/proteinhydrogelsoftware/branches/, PolyProteinSims branch) ###### Amino acid chain simulations ###### 1. Perform appropriately long explicit water MD simulations on the three different amino acid structures: cd ./AminoAcidChains/Gromacs Proceed through the Gromacs initialisation and simulation routines (http://www.mdtutorials.com/gmx/) ## Reason - To generate physically realistic flexibility data for a variety of disordered structures 2. Calculate persistence lengths from Gromacs MD trajectories: cd ./AminoAcidChains/analysis python calculatePersistenceLengths.py ## Reason - To determine flexibility of disoredered proteins and linker domains ###### Globular domain polymer simulations - BioNet Installation ###### 1. Download and install BioNet on a Linux machine: With an appropriate version of cmake, g++, tinyxml2(http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml2/), Eigen and Boost, execute the commands specified below to install BioNet: export BIONETINSTALL=/path/to/install/location cd BIONETINSTALL mkdir src mkdir build mkdir install cd src wget https://bitbucket.org/GokuBH/proteinhydrogelsoftware/get/PolyProteinSims.tar.bz2 tar -xvf PolyProteinSims.tar.bz2 cd ../build cmake ../src/GokuBH-proteinhydrogelsoftware-6886bde0f9f4/BioNet -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install -DUSE_OPENMP=NO make make install export PATH=/path/to/install/location/install/bin:$PATH export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/install/location/lib/python3.7/site-packages/modules:$PYTHONPATH ###### Globular domain polymer simulation - Free polymers ###### 1. Build the set of input scripts for BioNet simulations: cd ./BioNetPolymers/initialise python buildNMerInputFiles.py ## Reason - To be able to perform BioNet simulations 2a. Submit the set of input scripts to a supercomputer: cd ./BioNetPolymers/initialise python buildSubmissionScripts.py python submitJobs.py ## Reason - To quickly perform all required simulations in parallel OR 2b. Manually submit the set of input scripts required cd ./BioNetPolymers/initialise Write a python script to run the jobs. Input (iFname) filenames are of the form: iFname=../input/Nodes%d_lOn2R%5.3f_lRFM%5.3f_sE%5.3f.xml To run the appropriate BioNet simulation, the command is: BioNet-Sim -i iFname -t Brownian --no-vdw --no-kinetics -l --verbose\n" This will output files with the correct filenames for further analysis ## Reason - To generate physically realistic flexibility data for a variety of globular domain polymer systems 3. Calculate persistence lengths for each simulation: cd ./BioNetPolymers/analysis python calculatePersistenceLengths.py ## Reason - To determine flexibility of globular domain polymers as a function of their structure and material properties 4. Plot persistence lengths for each simulation: cd ./BioNetPolymers/analysis python plotPersistenceLengths.py ## Reason - To visualise the flexibility data of globular domain polymers as a function of their structure and material properties ###### Globular domain polymer simulation - Single Molecule Atomic Force Spectroscopy conditions ###### 1. Build the set of input scripts for BioNet simulations: cd ./BioNetPolymers/initialise python buildForcedNMerInputFiles.py ## Reason - To be able to perform BioNet simulations 2a. Submit the set of input scripts to a supercomputer: cd ./BioNetPolymers/initialise python buildForcedSubmissionScripts.py python submitForcedJobs.py ## Reason - To quickly perform all required simulations in parallel OR 2b. Manually submit the set of input scripts required cd ./BioNetPolymers/initialise Write a python script to run the jobs. Input (iFname) filenames are of the form: iFname=../input/Nodes%d_lOn2R%5.3fdLOn2R%5.3f_lRFM%5.3f_sE%5.3fForced.xml To run the appropriate BioNet simulation, the command is: BioNet-Sim -i iFname -t Brownian --no-vdw --no-kinetics -l --verbose\n" This will output files with the correct filenames for further analysis ## Reason - To generate physically realistic flexibility data for a variety of globular domain polymer systems 3. Calculate persistence lengths for each simulation: cd ./BioNetPolymers/analysis python calculateForceVsExtension.py ## Reason - To determine flexibility of globular domain polymers under SMFS conditions as a function of their structure and material properties 4. Plot persistence lengths for each simulation: cd ./BioNetPolymers/analysis python plotForceVsExtension.py python plotForceVsExtensionLpLc.py ## Reason - To visualise the flexibility data of globular domain polymers under SMFS as a function of their structure and material properties