This dataset contains part of the data and scripts as described in “Yang, Y., Heppenstall, A., Turner, A., & Comber, A. (2019). A Spatiotemporal and Graph-Based Analysis of Dockless Bike Sharing Patterns to Understand Urban Flows Over the Last Mile. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems”, This repository includes the following files: 1. “Scripts.R” is the R Scripts for (1) graph-based analysis; (2)spatial analysis as described in the paper; 2. “data.Rdata” contains dockless bike trips data, recording their origin and destination road segments; it is provided using ".Rdata" format, and can be imported into R. 3. “” contains Road Network Segments data in the study area; it is provided using ".shp" format and can be imported into GIS software (e.g. ArcGIS, QGIS)