## Introduction This folder contains data collected from a preliminary study and all the code needed to run the tool. The data zip only contains data and information already in the tool zip but in a more accesible way if you only want to look at the data. ## Collected Data Collected from a preliminary study, which is described in the publication "Investigating the Dimensions of Spatial Language". ### Data The data folder contains lists of annotations, user data and configuration data. * raw user list.csv lists all users that took part * raw annotation list.csv lists all annotations given in the study * clean semantic annotation list.csv is a list of all 'clean' annotations given in the selection task (cleaning is described in the associated publication) * clean pragmatic annotation list.csv is a list of all 'clean' annotations given in the description task (cleaning is described in the associated publication). These annotations are labelled as simple or compound based on some simple parsing (again this is described in the publication) * clean_users.csv gives a list of clean users (cleaning is described in the associated publication) * pragmatic_stats.csv gives the number of users doing the description task for each scene and the total number of 'simple' descriptions given * semantic_stats.csv gives the number of users doing the description task for each scene and the number of times a particular configuration was selected with a given preposition in the selection task * configuration_data.csv gives a list of all configurations and their feature values * configuration_data.names gives the names of each feature in configuration_data.csv * feature descriptions.txt explains what each feature is * Associated Feature Calculation Code folder gives the code used to calculate each of the features. (Note that this code must be reorganized in order to run properly --- see tool.zip) ### Instructions The instructions folder gives the documents which were shown to the participants of the study ### Scenes The scenes folder provides the scenes which were used in the study * The scenes in the `editor' folder are the associated blender editor scenes. * The scenes in the `annotation environments' folder are the scenes actually run and used in the study. These are created from the editor scenes and are built for a specific Cent OS system, so may not run on your machine. ## Tool The files in the tool folder comprise the framework used to create and run the study. This is discussed in the associated publication and more detailed information in how to set up and run it can be found at the GitHub repo: https://github.com/alrichardbollans/spatial-preposition-annotation-tool-blender If you have any questions or would like to implement any of this yourself, get in touch with Adam Richard-Bollans mm15alrb@leeds.ac.uk