1st line: variable name 2nd line: units 3rd line: series name; it corresponds here to the Na CMC concentration q: scattering vector As: relative amplitude of the slow relaxation mode (obtained with Eq. 5 provided in the main paper) Af: relative amplitude of the fast relaxation mode (obtained with Eq. 5 provided in the main paper) SE(As/Af): standard error on As/Af q As/Af SE(As/Af) q As/Af SE(As/Af) q As/Af SE(As/Af) q As/Af SE(As/Af) q As/Af SE(As/Af) q As/Af SE(As/Af) nm^-1 - s nm^-1 - s nm^-1 - s nm^-1 - s nm^-1 - s nm^-1 - s 0.18 wt% Na CMC 0.18 wt% Na CMC 0.18 wt% Na CMC 0.24 wt% Na CMC 0.24 wt% Na CMC 0.24 wt% Na CMC 0.37 wt% Na CMC 0.37 wt% Na CMC 0.37 wt% Na CMC 0.55 wt% Na CMC 0.55 wt% Na CMC 0.55 wt% Na CMC 0.73 wt% Na CMC 0.73 wt% Na CMC 0.73 wt% Na CMC 0.92 wt% Na CMC 0.92 wt% Na CMC 0.92 wt% Na CMC 0.01322 121.8661 42.20373 0.01322 85.0554 9.70288 0.01322 92.33123 10.63935 0.01517 78.58999 2.85869 0.01118 92.03051 15.34286 0.01323 108.39973 6.45792 0.01516 70.80734 4.11513 0.01516 85.63023 12.81691 0.01517 72.80622 6.8558 0.017 52.18824 3.37254 0.01323 76.38061 5.52261 0.01518 54.50875 11.2257 0.01699 73.94454 11.99526 0.01699 72.971 5.01642 0.017 71.60353 14.05425 0.0187 45.4175 2.87865 0.01517 69.14461 2.65511 0.01701 52.3029 3.17726 0.01869 52.28198 6.4811 0.01869 45.84594 1.05543 0.0187 44.05992 2.81675 0.02026 36.32199 4.35122 0.017 44.38704 4.82984 0.01871 43.3852 1.67487 0.02025 36.651 6.10251 0.02025 37.06257 1.59788 0.02026 42.62495 6.90127 0.02167 37.54482 2.27224 0.01871 41.14967 3.47428 0.02027 35.61053 2.2234 0.02166 29.25051 2.36161 0.02166 38.39997 2.8952 0.02166 34.73171 3.36907 0.0229 28.04435 0.90298 0.02027 33.01573 6.64485 0.02168 28.83992 1.59973 0.02289 36.6917 5.59229 0.0229 37.58768 0.64795 0.0229 40.15719 6.00381 0.02397 30.70251 3.13576 0.02167 35.94254 1.8767 0.02292 30.74732 1.09779 0.02396 34.14562 3.51257 0.02396 33.58077 1.95459 0.02396 31.50571 2.6544 0.02291 33.03863 1.81506 0.02398 32.38832 1.67984 -- 0.02398 30.86427 3.14223 -- -- -- -- -- -- --