DOI 10.5518/424 The DSC, rheology and X-ray scattering data for a mixture of a bent-core liquid crystal with a calamitic liquid crystal are included in this dataset. The DSC data consists of a file on the heating of the mixture at a rate of 20 degrees per min, as well as a file which includes the heating and cooling over 2 runs of the same sample at a rate of 2 degrees per min. The rheology data consists of the storage modulus, loss modulus, and complex viscosity all as a function of temperature respectively.The X-ray scattering data consists of 4 files; three which are of the periodicity as a function of temperature and the fourth is of the periodicity as a function of time. The three temperature data sets include both heating and cooling runs. Four video files are included which show filament formation in real time. The director of the sample is aligned with one of the polarisers in a crossed polariser set up.Also included in the DOI is this ReadMe file. Files: DSC_on_Heating_20_degrees_per_min.xlsx DSC_on_Heating_and_Cooling_2_degrees_per_min.xlsx Periodicity_vs_Temperature_of_Sample_on_Cooling.xlsx Periodicity_vs_Temperature_of_Sample_on_Heating.xlsx Periodicity_vs_Temperature_of_Sample_on_Heating_Sample_History.xlsx Periodicity_vs_Time_of_Sample.xlsx Rheology_Measurements_of_Sample_vs_Temperature.xlsx