# G4S Deployment Trajectory dataset The associated AAMAS 2016 Paper titled "Unsupervised Learning of Qualitative Motion Behaviours by a Mobile Robot" is available [here](http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/95870/). Please cite if you use the dataset. A complete list of items included is given below. What's included: g4s_maps.zip (g4s_map.pgm, g4s_map.yaml): map of office g4s_people_trajectory.db. A mongodb dump of people_trajectory (42850 trajectory.msgs in total). More information can be found on the github repository [here](https://github.com/strands-project/strands_perception_people). g4s_soma.zip (g4s_soma.db, g4s_soma_roi.db). A mongodb dump of semantic objects and region placements. More found [here](https://github.com/strands-project/soma). message_defs.zip Contains the two message definitions for a `Trajectory` and `Trajectories` (multiple trajectory msg). Also can be found [here](https://github.com/strands-project/strands_perception_people/tree/indigo-devel/human_trajectory/msg). Python code to parse the data can be found on my [Github repo](https://github.com/PDuckworth/trajectory_behaviours/tree/g4s_analysis/offline_relational_learner), on the `g4s_analysis` branch. To import the databases into mongodb: `mongoimport --port 62345 -d -c --file `.