Variables of interest for mapping capWalkCycleVars200317.csv 165665 rows #Metadata # #"OA01CD" 2001 OA code #"Xcentrd" x centroid british national grid epsg27700 #"Ycentrd" y centroid british national grid epsg27700 #"helthmn" with a health policy: percentage of working population who could commute to work by walking or cycling if everyone did at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week and noone was obese #"polpcmn" with a package of 3 policies, Health, bike and Free-range kids: percentage of working population who could commute to work by walking or cycling #"FRmean" with a free-range-kids policy: percentage of working population who could commute to work by walking or cycling if all children could safely travel to school without escort #"bikemen" with a bike provision policy: percentage of working population who could commute to work by walking or cycling if everyone had access to a bicycle #"men13bs" Base case indicator: percentage of working population who could physically commute to work by walking or cycling. #"plpcrwd" percentage difference between the base case and the package of three policies (e.g. What percentage increase in capability would occur if the three policies were successfully introduced ) #"LSOAcod" 2001 LSOA code #"MSOAcod" 2001 MSOA code #"distrct" 2001 Local authority district code [NB there have some changes to this geography between 2001 and 2011] #"mn13qnt" The qunintile that the base case indicator (men13bs) falls into #"hbnk" mean maximum daily distance people could cycle in each Output Area assuming they HAVE a bike and DONT have to escort kids on their journey(s) #"hbhk" mean maximum daily distance people could cycle in each Output Area assuming they have a bike and DO have to escort kids on their journey(s)' #"nbnk" mean maximum daily distance people could cycle in each Output Area assuming they DON'T have a bike and DONT have to escort kids on their journey(s)' #"nbhk" mean maximum daily distance people could cycle in each Output Area assuming they DON'T have a bike and DO have to escort kids on their journey(s)' Methodology is described in this PhD Thesis: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13616.46081 Related papers: Philips I, Watling D, Timms P (in press) Estimating Individual Physical Capability (IPC) to make journeys by bicycle International Journal of Sustainable Transportation Philips I, Clarke, Watling D, (2017) A Fine Grained Hybrid Spatial Microsimulation Technique for Generating Detailed Synthetic Individuals from Multiple Data Sources: An Application To Walking And Cycling