Readme for Dataset doi:10.1038/s41598-017-01748-7 ################################################## Files ===== The archive files are all gzip2 compressed tar archive files which may decompressed with GNU tar. The individual archives group data files by technique. A brief explanation of the contents is given here. - ______SAMPLES_______.tar.gz Contains the main sample number identification tables documents and indexes to what measurements have been carried out on which samples. - Deposition.tar.gz Records of the deposition run logs giving materials, powers, rates, and stack layers. - XRD.tar.gz X-ray reflectometry characterisation traces for determining layer thicknesses and structures - EBL.tar.gz - EBLPatterns.tar.gz Bith these files contain specifications for standard electron beam lithography recipes used. - Annealing.tar.gz Resistance-temperature data for a sample annealing - Imaging-OM.tar.gz Optical microscopy images - Imaging-TEM.tar.gz Transmission Electron Microscopy Images - Hitachi131211.tar.gz Transmission Electron Mocroscopy Movie files - Measurements-FMR.tar.gz Ferromagnetic Resonance Measurements - Measurements-Electrical.tar.gz Electrical resistivity measurment data files - Measurements-MOKE.tar.gz Magneto optical kerr-effect magnetormeter data files - Measurements-PEEM.tar.gz X-ray circular dichroism photo-electron emission microscopy images and processed data - Measurements-VSM.tar.gz Vibrating Sample magnetometry data files - Simulations.tar.gz Micromagnetics Simulation result files. Data files are generally in ASCII text format or as image data in tiff format with supplementary information in a varietyy of comerically available software formats such as MS Office formats and OringLabs Origin Pro project files.