Figure 1 Slide1.tiff ___________________________________________ Figure 2 Raw data to accompany figure 2. Images of squalane oil on a MilliQ-air interface with and without POPC lipid. Contact angles of the oil were taken by drawing a straight line from one corner of the drop to the other (horizontally), then continuing with a connected second line, angling towards the vertical until the oil-air interface was met close to the oil corner, and measuring an angle between these lines. Left, right and average angles, with errors, are detailed in the text document. Contact_angle_of_squalane_oil.txt MilliQ-POPC_Squalane_Air/ MilliQ-POPC_Squalane_Air/1.jpg MilliQ-POPC_Squalane_Air/10.jpg MilliQ-POPC_Squalane_Air/2.jpg MilliQ-POPC_Squalane_Air/3.jpg MilliQ-POPC_Squalane_Air/4.jpg MilliQ-POPC_Squalane_Air/5.jpg MilliQ-POPC_Squalane_Air/6.jpg MilliQ-POPC_Squalane_Air/7.jpg MilliQ-POPC_Squalane_Air/8.jpg MilliQ-POPC_Squalane_Air/9.jpg MilliQ_Squalane_Air/ MilliQ_Squalane_Air/1.jpg MilliQ_Squalane_Air/2.jpg MilliQ_Squalane_Air/3.jpg MilliQ_Squalane_Air/4.jpg MilliQ_Squalane_Air/5.jpg readme_Fig2.txt Slide2.tiff ___________________________________________ Figure 3 Raw data to accompany figure 3. Recorded raw data from QCM-D experiments, showing frequency and dissipation change, and the raw data analysed by the Sauerbrey and Voigt equations for change of deposited layer thickness. QCMD_raw_data_paper_file.txt readme_Fig3.txt Slide3.tiff ___________________________________________ Figure 4 Raw data to accompany figure 4. Video showing squalane OLI-MB production in a FF microfluidic device. Production rate calculated by counting OLI-MBs produced and from knowing the video is 50,000 frames per second. Images used for sizing and concentration analysis. Scale bar shown. Concentration calculated knowing the chamber depth (given in paper), image dimensions, number of OLI-MBs observed, and that no MBs were observed out of the imaged plane. Dark_field_sizing_and_concentration/ Dark_field_sizing_and_concentration/1.tif Dark_field_sizing_and_concentration/2.tif Dark_field_sizing_and_concentration/3.tif Dark_field_sizing_and_concentration/4.tif gas4psi_LONDs25uLmin-1_50kfps_x10lens.avi gas4psi_LONDs26uLmin-1_50kfps_x10lens.avi readme_Fig4.txt Slide4.tiff ___________________________________________ Figure 5 Raw data to accompany figure 5. Images used for sizing and concentration analysis of one out of six total MB samples. Scale bar shown on “Calibration image”. Concentration calculated knowing the chamber depth (given in paper), image dimensions, number of MBs observed, and that no MBs were observed out of the imaged plane. Folders give the time that each measurement began. Production of the samples finished at 1240 (12:40 pm). Three samples were measured simultaneously on each day (17/04/05 and /25). Dark_field_sizing_and_concentration/ Dark_field_sizing_and_concentration/1.tif Dark_field_sizing_and_concentration/2.tif Dark_field_sizing_and_concentration/3.tif Dark_field_sizing_and_concentration/4.tif gas4psi_LONDs25uLmin-1_50kfps_x10lens.avi gas4psi_LONDs26uLmin-1_50kfps_x10lens.avi readme_Fig4.txt Slide4.tiff ___________________________________________ Figure 6 Raw data to accompany figure 6, which is of an OLI-MB after washing away excess LOND solution with PBS. Text file contains raw data to back-up the statement made in the paper that washing removed the surrounding fluorescence, and thereby the surrounding excess LONDs. Grey scale values were acquired of non-trap/MB areas from the same experiment as figure 6, before and after washing with PBS, given in figures “Before Wash” and “After Wash” respectively. Trap and MB areas have been removed from images (coloured in grey) as these areas were specifically not measured for this data. For every column of pixels in the x-dimension an average grey scale value was acquired in the y-dimension. This required a weighted average of areas above (“Grey value 1”) and below (“Grey value 2”) the non-measured areas. After_Wash.tif Before_wash.tif readme_Fig6.txt Slide6.tiff Solution_fluorescence_due_to_wash.txt ___________________________________________ Figure 7 Raw data to accompany figure 7. Folders contain raw images of MBs produced from LOND solutions containing DiO + no fluorescence, no fluorescence + DiI, and DiO + DiI, imaging in the DiI wavelength window (details given in the paper). Text file detailing values measured from these images and their analysis in order to show FRET signal. DiO___DiI/ DiO___DiI/procfn_20180312101328_md5.txt DiO___DiI/x40.lif_Image035_C_1.tif DiO___E/ DiO___E/procfn_20180312101328_md5.txt DiO___E/x40.lif_Image004_C_1.tif E___DiI/ E___DiI/procfn_20180312101328_md5.txt E___DiI/x40.lif_Image033_C_1.tif FRET_raw_data__background_and_bubble_flourescences_.txt readme_Fig7.txt Slide7.tiff ___________________________________________ Figure S1 Raw data to accompany figure 9. Video showing tripropionin OLI-MB production in a FF microfluidic device. Production rate calculated by counting OLI-MBs produced and from knowing the video is 50,000 frames per second. Images used for sizing and concentration analysis. Scale bar shown on calibration image (0.16 um per pixel). Concentration calculated knowing the chamber depth (3 mm), image dimensions, number of OLI-MBs observed, and that no MBs were observed out of the imaged plane. Calibration_image_8.tif gas6psi_LONDs23uLmin-1_50kfps_x10lens.avi readme_Fig9.txt Sizing_and_concentration/ Sizing_and_concentration/1.tif Sizing_and_concentration/10.tif Sizing_and_concentration/2.tif Sizing_and_concentration/3.tif Sizing_and_concentration/4.tif Sizing_and_concentration/5.tif Sizing_and_concentration/6.tif Sizing_and_concentration/7.tif Sizing_and_concentration/8.tif Sizing_and_concentration/9.tif Slide9.tiff