Column Comment Trial Unique ID for trial Meta-Action Number "Meta-action number, within trial" Case type "Type of case breast, etc.)" Person ID for participant Start time (s) "Start time of this part of meta-action, measured since beginning of trial (s)" End time (s) "End time of this part of meta-action, measured since beginning of trial (s)" Magnification Magnification at end of this part of meta-action Total detail dist (pixels) Distance panned during this part of meta-action Gantt chart legend Category of meta-action (see Table VI in paper) Pan micro/macro Indicates macro vs. micro movement for pan-only meta-actions Macro type Indicates whether macro pan-only meta-action involved panning within detail view (detail) or wider area (wide) Zoom shape time "Classification of this part of meta-action: max (during a local maximum of magnification), 7 secs (when participants kept the magnification constant for at least seven seconds), or ZUI (typical of a conventional zooming interface)" Revisit slide Inidcates whether slide was being revisited