File formats: ============= Binary files ------------ * .png - images in Portable Network Graphics format. * .pcz - pyPCA compressed format. Text files ---------- * .pdb - Protein Data Bank files. * .vol - NETGEN 4 tetrahedra mesh file. FFEA 2.4 input files * .ffea - input script. * .top - topology file. * .mat - material file. * .node - node file. * .surf - surface file. * .stokes - stokes file. * .lj - lennard-jones file. * .vdw - van der Waals file. * .pin - pin node file. FFEA 2.4 output files * .ftj - trajectory file. * .fm - measurement file. * .fcp - checkpoint file. FFEA is free software that can be found in: and documentation hosted at: