# Plot of t_mix against M_wind set st da l #set log y 10 set log x 10 #set format y "10^{%L}" set xlabel "M_{shock/wind}" set ylabel "t_{mix} (t_{cc})" set xrange [1:100] #set format x "10^{%L}" #set xtics 20 set bmargin 3.5 set tmargin 1. set rmargin 1.5 set lmargin 9 #set key top left Left set key bottom right unset label set label "b)" at graph 0.02, graph 0.95 set yrange [0:30] plot "t_mix_data.dat" using 2:1 with points lt 1 lc rgb "orchid" lw 3 pt 63 notitle replot "t_mix_data.dat" using 3:4 with points lt 1 lc rgb "chartreuse" lw 2 pt 106 notitle set term postscript eps enhanced color set output "t_mix.eps" set size 0.6,0.6 replot