Figure 2 -------- Figure 2 is a 3D representation of SINDy error data created from the SINDy runs exploring the sweeping of hyperparameters. It is included as an EXAMPLE of how SINDy results can be investigated, from before we switched to using Gurobi. The figure is generated by Python:- sindy-stuff/old/run-Ra-1e6/ The complete raw data can be generated from:- sindy-stuff/old/run-Ra-1e6/ and the SINDy script:- sindy-stuff/old/run-Ra-1e6/ which generates a file:- bulktest.txt when run on HPC Newer data files generated using the Gurobi optimiser can be found in text format (*.txt) in the following directories from newer analyses:- sindy-stuff/Ra-1e8/*.txt sindy-stuff/Ra-1e10/*.txt and can be plotted with:- sindy-stuff/old/run-Ra-1e6/ NOTE: the SINDy library that was used can be found in each directory in order to force its use and overriding anything installed in the environment, e.g.:- sindy-stuff/pysindy/ WARNING: Not using this library can cause component swap issues for some reason we do not fully understand tied to declaration of the custom library within each version of SINDy.