[This template readme file should be edited to be relevant to your dataset. The template proposes a basic set of information to be provided about a dataset. Sections 1-3 provide key information about the dataset and should be completed as fully as possible; Sections 4-5 provide information for interpretation and use of the dataset, and should be completed according to your judgement. Ask yourself in completing these sections: what information would the user of this dataset need in order to be able to understand it or replicate the results? Use of the README plain text format for dataset documentation is not required, and may not be suitable for longer or more detailed documentation. In these cases, or if preferred, you can use PDF or MS Word. Information provided here must correspond accurately with information provided in the dataset metadata record, e.g. the dataset title should match exactly, the same Creators should be listed, etc. The readme file should be saved with the name README_[Creator surname]_[Publication year]. The file name should not exceed 32 characters. Examples: README_Smith_2023.txt; README_Jones-etal_2024.txt. Text within square brackets is instructional and should be deleted from the final version of the readme.] 1. ABOUT THE DATASET -------------------- Title: Synthesis of the extant literature on copycat packaging | Appendix Table A Identified studies from the review Creator(s): [Ezgi Oguz[1,2], Jamie Marsden [2]] Organisation(s): [1. Eskisehir Technical University 2. University of Leeds] Rights-holder(s):Unless otherwise stated, Copyright 2024 University of Leeds Publication Year: 2024 Description: [This dataset includes the extracted information such as information on the study, purpose, methodological approach, sampling, and key findings from 49 relevant research articles.] Cite as: [Ezgi Oguz, Jamie Marsden (2024): Appendix Table A Identified studies from the review. [Dataset]. https://doi.org/10.5518/1561] Related publication: [Under review, received acceptance with minor revisions] Contact: [E.Oguz@leeds.ac.uk] 2. TERMS OF USE --------------- [A standard copyright notice and licence statement with URL can be used, e.g. Copyright [publication year] [University of Leeds, name of other rights-holder(s)]. Unless otherwise stated, this dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.] 3. PROJECT AND FUNDING INFORMATION ---------------------------------- Title: [title of project] Dates: [project start-end] Funding organisation: - Grant no.:- [Include in this section acknowledgements of all relevant funding sources, including e.g. public and charitable funders, industrial sponsors, and the University. If the dataset was not generated as part of a specific project or with dedicated project funding, you can say e.g. 'This dataset was not created in the course of a funded project.'] 4. CONTENTS ----------- File listing [List by file or folder name and provide brief descriptions of file or folder contents. If files are numerous, provide a key to the dataset structure/relationship between files, and the file naming convention. Files of the same type should be consistently named using a standard syntax where possible. One word document including data Include information about specialised data file formats, and software used to generate/required to render data files (including version and links where relevant). If relevant, include here any codebook or data dictionary for the dataset or constituent files, providing the following information as required: - Number of variables - Number of cases/rows - List of variables, containing variable name(s), description(s), unit(s)and value labels as appropriate for each - Missing data codes, listing code and definition - Specialized formats or other abbreviations used.] 5. METHODS ---------- [This section should describe how the dataset was generated. The following information should be included as relevant: - Experimental procedures/protocols. - Environmental/experimental conditions, including information such as geographic location and dates of data collection or temporal range covered, as relevant. - Instruments used, both hardware and software, with specification of version, setup, standards, calibration, etc. - Methods used for processing the data, e.g. to clean, transform, quality-assure and analyse data. If software has been used, include name and version of software, and any packages or libraries needed to run scripts. Any code written to process/analyse data should be described and archived with the dataset or made accessible by other means. - If data have been processed from existing sources, citations/links to the sources used. - People or organisations not named as dataset Creators but involved in its production or use in some way, along with information about their role, e.g. PhD Supervisor or person involved in study design, survey service provider that distributed survey and collected responses, co-authors of related paper who contributed to data analysis. - If detailed information about methods is available in an article that has been published or is due to be published, this can be referred to and full details of methods omitted here. If the article has already been fully referenced as the Related publication in Section 1 above, a brief citation will be sufficient here.] This dataset was created by synthesising the relevant research articles about copycat packaging.