1. ABOUT THE DATASET -------------------- Title: Data for "Stable, conductive, adhesive polymer pattern inside a microfluidic chamber for endothelial cell alignment" Creator(s): Elena Mancinelli [1], Silvia Taccola [1], Ellen Slay [1], Chalmers Chi Cheng Chau [1], Nizzy James [1], Benjamin Johnson [1], Kevin Critchley [1], Russell Harris [1], Virginia Pensabene [1] Organisation(s): 1. University of Leeds Rights-holder(s):Unless otherwise stated, Copyright 2023 University of Leeds Publication Year: 2024 Description: The dataset contains all relevant pictures, AFM scans, 4-point measurement data, Raman traces, XPS data for the associated paper entitled 'Stable, conductive, adhesive polymer pattern inside a microfluidic chamber for endothelial cell alignment'. All graphs and tables originated from images, AFM scans or XPS and Raman data can be reproduced following the relevant method section in the associated publication. The dataset is aimed at allowing users to re-analyze the data and reproduce the observations made in the associated publication. Cite as: Elena Mancinelli, Silvia Taccola, Ellen Slay, Chalmers Chi Cheng Chau, Nizzy James, Benjamin Johnson, Kevin Critchley, Russell Harris, Virginia Pensabene (2024): Data for "Stable, conductive, adhesive polymer pattern inside a microfluidic chamber for endothelial cell alignment". University of Leeds. [Dataset] https://doi.org/10.5518/1503 Related publication: ELena Mancinelli, Silvia Taccola, Ellen Slay, Chalmers Chi Cheng Chau, Nizzy James, Benjamin Johnson, Kevin Critchley, R. Harris, and V. Pensabene. “Stable, conductive, adhesive polymer pattern inside a microfluidicchamber for endothelial cell alignment”. Advanced Functional Materials. Submitted on 11th March 2024. Contact: V.Pensabene@leeds.ac.uk 2. TERMS OF USE --------------- You may download to a local hard disk extracts for your personal, non-commercial and for results reproducibility use only. 2024. Elena Mancinelli, Silvia Taccola, Ellen Slay, Chalmers Chi Cheng Chau, Nizzy James, Benjamin Johnson, Kevin Critchley, Russell Harris, Virginia Pensabene. This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. 3. PROJECT AND FUNDING INFORMATION ---------------------------------- Funding organisation: Marie Skłodowska-Curie MSCA-ITN, SENTINEL project Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) UK. Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) UK. Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) UK. Grant no.: 812398 EP/P027687/1 EP/V009818/1 EP/W004933/1 4. CONTENTS ----------- Files are divided into .zip folders named after the relative pictures of the associated pubblication, each folderds contains different files. File listing: .TIF figures .spm AFM files can be opened with dedicated software .xlsx and .csv can be opened with Microsoft Excel, Matlab, Python .txt files 5. METHODS ---------- Fluorescent Images: - Purpose: Viability, patterning efficiency, alignment, and elongation study of HUVECs. - Staining: NucBlue® Live reagent (Hoechst 33342) and Propidium iodide for nuclei, phalloidin (ActinGreen™ 488 Ready Probes™) for F-Actin. - Imaging Setup: Inverted microscope system (Nikon ECLIPSE Ti2) with Digital CMOS camera (ORCA Flash4.0 V3) and LED illumination system (pE-4000 CoolLED). AFM Scans: - Equipment: Bruker Dimension Fastscan (Santa Barbara, CA, USA) equipped with either the Dimension Fastscan scan head (for images under 30 × 30 µm) or the Dimension Icon scan head (for images under 100 × 100 µm). - Parameters:Peakforce tapping mode. - Scan rate: 0.1 Hz or 3 Hz. - Amplitude setpoint: 250 mV or 300 mV. - Image resolution: 256 × 256 or 1024 × 1024 pixels. - Acquisition: ScanAsystTM imaging mode via Nanoscope software. Raman: - Sample: PEDOT:PSS line deposited on microscope slides. - Setup: Horiba LabRAM HR Evolution microscope with 532 nm laser. - Parameters: - Hole size: 50 µm. - Laser power: 5%. - Grating: 600 grooves/mm. - Data acquisition: 20 s per scan, averaged over 2 passes. 4-Point Measurement: - Sample: PEDOT:PSS lines on microscope slides. - Equipment: Keithley Sourcemeter (2400 series) in four-probe mode. - Setup: four measurement round-tip, 1.5 mm-spaced probes (Coda Systems, UK) held in place by PTFE block. - Data Acquisition: Custom Python script. XPS: - Sample Preparation: Glass samples with printed PEDOT:PSS lines, earthed using carbon tape. - Equipment: Thermo Escalab 250 XPS instrument with Al Kα X-ray source. - Parameters: - Survey scans: 0-1250 eV, pass energy of 150 eV. - Spot size: 500 μm. - High-resolution spectra: Pass energy of 20 eV, step size of 0.1 eV.