1. ABOUT THE DATASET -------------------- Title: plos_one_carehome_SNA.xls Creator(s): Carl Thompson Organisation(s): University of Leeds. Rights-holder(s):Unless otherwise stated, Copyright 2023 University of Leeds Publication Year: 2023 Description: social network data from four UK care homes with and without nursing. Dates of data collection range from Feb 2021 to Jun 2022. Dataset has two sheets. Sheet one (combined_edges) contains relationships and sheet two (combined_nodes) contains ID (person and home) and community role (staff, resident) and Social network statistics/measures (degree, clustering coefficient, triangles, modularity and weighted degree). Cite as: Thompson CA (2023) Dataset of social network contacts in four UK care homes over Dates from early 2021 to June 2022. University of Leeds. [plos_one_carehome_SNA.xls] Related publication: [Thompson CA, Gordon A, Khaliq K, Daffu-O'Reilly A, Willis T, Noakes C, Spilsbury K, Quality in care homes: how wearable devices and social network analysis might help, Plos One, 2024. Submitted] Contact: [c.a.thompson@leeds.ac.uk] 2. TERMS OF USE --------------- [A standard copyright notice and licence statement with URL can be used, e.g. Copyright [publication year] [University of Leeds, name of other rights-holder(s)]. Unless otherwise stated, this dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.] 3. PROJECT AND FUNDING INFORMATION ---------------------------------- Title: [CONtact TrAcing in Care homes using digital Technology (CONTACT) - A pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial, cost-effectiveness evaluation and theory-informed process evaluation.] Dates: [August 2020 to August 2022] Funding organisation: NIHR HTA Grant no.NIHR132197 4. CONTENTS ----------- File listing plos_one_carehome_SNA.xls file contains two datasheets: combined_edges_xcl combined_nodes_xcl combined_edges_xcl has 11 variables source (ID of one device), source_role (resident (2) or staff (3)), target (ID of other device), target_role (resident (2) or staff (3)), ID (identifier of the relationship), Weight (edge weight, measure of importance/frequency), starttime (start of contact), endtime (end of contact), duration (average duration of contacts in minutes), signal strength (average between-device signal strength, a proxy for physical distance), site (care home ID) combined_nodes_xcl has 9 variables ID (node/device ID), role (staff (3) or resident (2)), trialid (unique study identifier of person), degree (number of connections to other nodes), clustering (SNA clustering coefficient), triangles (SNA triangles measure), modularity (SNA modularity partition measure), weighted degree (sum of the weights of all the edges connected to that node, SNA measure of the number and importance of connections), home (care home identifier) 5. METHODS ---------- The data was generated from bluetooth enabled wearables worn by residents and staff in four UK care homes for the elderly during 2021 and 2022. Data is pseuonymised with IDs having no meaning beyond acting as unique IDs of devices/people (nodes) or relationships (edges). Full methods and details of design etc. are available at https://njl-admin.nihr.ac.uk/document/download/2039445