1. ABOUT THE DATASET -------------------- Title: Subchondral bone morphology of ankle in healthy and arthritic joints. Creator(s): Koria L, Farndon M, Jones E, Mengoni M, Brockett CL Organisation(s): University of Leeds Rights-holder(s):Unless otherwise stated, Copyright 2024 University of Leeds Publication Year:2024 Description: This dataset contains the morphological parameters of arthritic and non-diseased ankle bones, and donor characteristics for the non-diseased tissues. Non-diseased specimens were collected from a tissue bank, and had no history of lower limb trauma or OA, and the arthritic tissues were collected from donors undergoing ankle replacement or fusion surgery for ankle osteoarthritis. Cite as: Koria L, Farndon M, Jones E, Mengoni M, Brockett CL (2024) Dataset for 'Subchondral bone morphology of ankle in healthy and arthritic joints'. University of Leeds. https://doi.org/10.5518/1501 Related publication: Koria L, Farndon M, Jones E, Mengoni M, Brockett CL Changes in subchondral bone morphology with osteoarthritis in the ankle PlosONE (accepted Feb 24) Contact: 2. TERMS OF USE --------------- Copyright 2024, University of Leeds. Unless otherwise stated, this dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. 3. PROJECT AND FUNDING INFORMATION ---------------------------------- Title: PhD project - Characterising Subchondral Bone in the Osteoarthritic Ankle Dates: September 2016-Dec 2020 Funding organisation: EPSRC Grant no.:EP/L014823/1 4. CONTENTS ----------- File listing Koria_Bone Image Data_OA and ND.xlsx Specimen information and morphological bone parameters for whole specimen and by depth (as outlined in paper) 5. METHODS ---------- This study characterised the morphology of arthritic ankle bone specimens compared to non-diseased control samples. Ten non-diseased specimens were extracted from three cadaveric ankles (obtained from a tissue bank) and five arthritic specimens were obtained from donors undergoing ankle surgery for ankle arthritis (under University ethical approval). Each specimen was scanned using micro-CT (µCT 100, ScanCo Medical, Brüttisellen, Switzerland) with an isotropic resolution of 16 µm (70 kVP, 114 µA, 250 ms integration time). All specimens were submerged in PBS throughout the scan to maintain hydration of the tissues. Standard morphological evaluation was performed using the BoneJ (version 1.4.2) plugin for ImageJ within to evaluate the following properties: bone volume fraction (BV/TV); the degree of anisotropy (DA); trabecular thickness (Tb.Th, mm); connectivity density (Conn.D, mm-3); structure model index (SMI) and ellipsoid factor (EF). EF results were further analysed using the Flinn peak plots, which depict the volume- weighted axis ratios of the fitted ellipsoids (a/b and b/c). Further detail will be found in Koria L, Farndon M, Jones E, Mengoni M, Brockett CL Changes in subchondral bone morphology with osteoarthritis in the ankle PlosONE (accepted Feb 24)