1. ABOUT THE DATASET -------------------- Title: River Augmented Global Landslide Dams (RAGLAD) Creator(s): Hang Wu [1], Mark Trigg [1], William Murphy[1], Raul Fuentes[2] Organisation(s): 1. University of Leeds. 2. RWTH Aachen University Rights-holder(s): Copyright 2024 University of Leeds Publication Year: 2024 Description: This dataset provides the 779 landslide dam records compiled from 34 countries/regions. RAGLAD was collected from various data sources published in various languages. The dataset can be used to provide the spatial information, dimension data of dam forming landslides and landslide dam related data. RAGLAD focusses on a global scale and allows us to explore and better understand the spatial distribution and geomorphological characteristics of landslide dams. Cite as: Hang Wu, Mark Trigg, William Murphy, Raul Fuentes (2024) River Augmented Global Landslide Dams (RAGLAD). University of Leeds. [Dataset] https://doi.org/10.5518/1477 Hang Wu, Mark A. Trigg, William Murphy, Raul Fuentes "A new global landslide dam database (RAGLAD) and analysis utilizing auxiliary global fluvial datasets". Landslides, 19(2022): 555-572. Related publication: Hang Wu, Mark A. Trigg, William Murphy, Raul Fuentes "A new global landslide dam database (RAGLAD) and analysis utilizing auxiliary global fluvial datasets". Landslides, 19(2022): 555-572. Contact: Hang Wu (cnhwu@leeds.ac.uk; hangwu94@foxmail.com); Mark Trigg (m.trigg@leeds.ac.uk) 2. TERMS OF USE --------------- This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. 3. PROJECT AND FUNDING INFORMATION ---------------------------------- Title: University of Leeds Scholarship In Associate with the China Scholarship Council Dates: 09/2019-09/2023 Funding organisation: University of Leeds and China Scholarship Council Grant no.: 201906400001 4. CONTENTS ----------- Note: The spatial coordinate system for all landslide dam records had been unified to WGS1984. -Number of cases/rows : 779 -List of variables, containing variable name(s), description(s), unit(s)and value labels as appropriate for each ID: The unique recording index of events in this dataset Name: The local name of LDam in English Name in the original language :The local name of LDam in their original language y: Location - Latitude (WGS1984) x: Location - Longitude (WGS1984) Location: Location description of where the LDam event occurred Country/Region: Country or region of origin Formed time: Time of formation Dam failure time: Time of Dam collapse LDam status: Status of LDam Failure mechanism: Mechanism of dam collapse if known. Overflow/flood Time: Time of collapse or overtopping of an existing dam which causes subsequent flood Duration from formation to flood (lake life): The time from dam formation to failure or time when the impounded lake disappeared Drainage area (km2): The upstream drainage area of the river channel at point of the LDam River width(m): The width of the river channel where the LDam occurred Type of movement: Landslide movement categories (Hungr et al. 2014) Landslide area(m2): The surface area of the landslide Landslide-elevation difference (m): The elevation difference between the crown and toe of the landslide Landslide length(m): The main body length of the landslide that formed the dam H/L Ratio: The ratio of landslide height divided by length for measuring the mobility of landslides debris (Iverson et al. 1997) Landslide volume(106 m3): The volume of landslide that forms the LDam LDam-type: Classification of LDam (Costa and Schuster 1988) Dam materials: Grain size and lithology of LDam materials Reported cause : Landslide triggering processes described in original works of literature Interpreted cause: Categories of landslide triggering processes summarised in this study Dam height(m): Height of Landslide deposit forming the dam Dam length(m): Length of LDam (across the valley) Dam width(m): Width of LDam (along the valley) Impounded lake length(km): Length of an impounded lake dammed by a landslide Impounded lake volume(106 m3): The volume of an impounded lake dammed by a landslide Mean flow velocity(m3/s): Mean flow velocity of river under normal flow conditions Peak flow velocity(m3/s): The peak flow velocity of flood related to LDam formation and failure processes Causalities: Number of deaths/injuries Economic loss: Economic losses including properties and infrastructure References: References used for recording LDam events (Sources of information) More details: Related details that were not mentioned above 5. METHODS ---------- For more detailed information of this dataset, please check with: Wu, H., Trigg, M.A., Murphy, W., Fuentes, R., 2022. A new global landslide dam database (RAGLAD) and analysis utilizing auxiliary global fluvial datasets. Landslides, 19(3), 555-572.