[This template readme file should be edited to be relevant to your dataset. The template proposes a basic set of information to be provided about a dataset. Sections 1-3 provide key information about the dataset and should be completed as fully as possible; Sections 4-5 provide information for interpretation and use of the dataset, and should be completed according to your judgement. Ask yourself in completing these sections: what information would the user of this dataset need in order to be able to understand it or replicate the results? Use of the README plain text format for dataset documentation is not required, and may not be suitable for longer or more detailed documentation. In these cases, or if preferred, you can use PDF or MS Word. Information provided here must correspond accurately with information provided in the dataset metadata record, e.g. the dataset title should match exactly, the same Creators should be listed, etc. The readme file should be saved with the name README_[Creator surname]_[Publication year]. The file name should not exceed 32 characters. Examples: README_Smith_2023.txt; README_Jones-etal_2023.txt. Text within square brackets is instructional and should be deleted from the final version of the readme.] 1. ABOUT THE DATASET -------------------- Title: Nutrient and Promotion Profile Model baby food - Stata code Creator(s): Diane Threapleton Organisation(s): University of Leeds Rights-holder(s):Unless otherwise stated, Copyright 2023 University of Leeds Publication Year: 2023 Description: The Stata code allows users to analyse commercially available baby foods according to the WHO Nutrient and Promotion Profile Model (NPPM) 2022 Ref: https://www.who.int/europe/publications/i/item/WHO-EURO-2022-6681-46447-67287. In addition, draft tables have been prepared for results to be inserted. Cite as: Diane Threapleton (2023): Nutrient Profile and Promotion Model baby food - Stata Code. [Dataset]. https://doi.org/10.5518/1396 Related publication: Contact: 2. TERMS OF USE --------------- [A standard copyright notice and licence statement with URL can be used, e.g. Copyright [publication year] [University of Leeds, name of other rights-holder(s)]. Unless otherwise stated, this dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.] 3. PROJECT AND FUNDING INFORMATION ---------------------------------- Title: [title of project] Dates: [project start-end] Funding organisation: Grant no.: This work was carried out as part of the work of the WHO Collaborating Centre in Nutritional Epidemiology, based at the University of Leeds. 4. CONTENTS ----------- File listing WHO NPPM assessment code 27 10 23.do This contains the Stata code to run the NPPM analysis. NPPM in depth results BLANK VERSION .docx This contains template results tables to insert results from the Stata analysis. 5. METHODS ---------- The Stata code is based on the WHO Nutrient and promotion profile model: supporting appropriate promotion of food products for infants and young children 6–36 months in the WHO European Region 21 November 2022 Technical document. https://www.who.int/europe/publications/i/item/WHO-EURO-2022-6681-46447-67287 More detail about the NPPM can be found here: https://babyfoodnppm.org/about