1. ABOUT THE DATASET -------------------- Title: Data associated with "Transient retrograde motion of spin wave-driven skyrmions in magnetic nanotracks". Creator(s): Lin Huang, Gavin Burnell, and Christopher Marrows [1] Organisation(s): [1] School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom Rights-holder(s):Unless otherwise stated, Copyright 2023 University of Leeds Publication Year: 2023 Description: These are data associated with the publication "Transient retrograde motion of spin wave-driven skyrmions in magnetic nanotracks" in Physical Review B. Cite as: Huang, Burnell, and Marrows (2023): Data associated with Data associated with "Transient retrograde motion of spin wave-driven skyrmions in magnetic nanotracks". University of Leeds. [Dataset] https://doi.org/10.5518/1363 Related publication: Transient retrograde motion of spin wave driven skyrmions in magnetic nanotracks Lin Huang, Gavin Burnell, and Christopher H. Marrows Phys. Rev. B 107, 224418 – Published 20 June 2023 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.224418 Contact: c.h.marrows@leeds.ac.uk 2. TERMS OF USE --------------- A standard copyright notice and licence statement with URL can be used, e.g. Copyright 2023 University of Leeds. Unless otherwise stated, this dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. 3. PROJECT AND FUNDING INFORMATION ---------------------------------- This project did not receive external funding. 4. CONTENTS ----------- File listing The files are found in two zipfiles: 'OOMMF simulation mif file' which contains the input to the OOMMF micromagnetic solver used in this project, and 'matlab_eproof.zip' which contains Matlab routines used to analyse the OOMMF output. 5. METHODS ---------- 1. The OOMMF .mif files were used by us on OOMMF Release 2.0a2. The OOMMF package is avaiable for download at https://math.nist.gov/oommf alongside instructions for how to install and run it. 2. After running each .mif file, you should have a lot of .omf files which contain magnetization data at each timestep. To run cmd commands starting with 'oommf avf2odt' in 'matlab_eproof\OOMMF_code_avf2odt.txt', you need to index the correct OOMMF file dictionary that saves the .omf file: for example: 'cd /d E:\OOMMF\oommf'. 3. After running cmd commands, you should get .odt files, they are in ASCII format can be read by e.g. Notepad. By using aaa.m in file 'matlab_eproof\1. rename omf file', we can change the .odt files to .txt By using bbb.m in file 'matlab_eproof\1. rename omf file', we can get the number of time steps from the .txt file name. Because Matlab can't read 0001.txt as 1.txt and set 1 as an index, we need to use ccc.m to remove the 0 in front of the useful numbers. 4. The magnetization data .txt file will have 4 columns if you didn't request to just export one of the axes by the cmd code. The first column is the location of the cell, the next 3 columns are magnetization data on the x,y and z-axis. 5. Load the .txt file to the .m file in '\matlab_eproof\2. get skyrmion position', you can get the skyrmion position by the Matlab peak finding function of magnetization data or Gauss fit to find the peak. 6. Load the .txt file to the .m file in '\matlab_eproof\3. get skyrmion size', you can get the skyrmion size as shown in the paper. 7. By saving the skyrmion x and y location to a text file and loading them into the .m file in '\matlab_eproof\4. get upstream and downstream oommf call code', you can have exported .bat files to run cmd and get magnetization data from the region you set up close to the skyrmion. 8. Putting the text file you get about the magnetization data from the region you are interested in, you can load them into '\matlab_eproof\5. get My sine wave fitting', the 'My_fittest.m' will use the M_y data to do sine damp function fitting and give you the amplitude of Spin Wave. The 'Mypassonepoint.m' will allow you to get M_y data at a certain cell position during a simulation time duration (within 0.5 ns is suggested) and do sine function fit to give you the amplitude of Spin Wave.