1. ABOUT THE DATASET -------------------- Title: Dataset for 'Design of linear block copolymers and ABC star terpolymers that produce two length scales at phase separation' Creator(s): Merin Joseph, Daniel J Read, Alastair M Ruclidge Organisation(s): University of Leeds Rights-holder(s):Unless otherwise stated, Copyright 2022 University of Leeds Publication Year:2023 Description: The dataset contains the data for generating the figures in the paper. There are two models: a linear block copolymer (with three variants) and an ABC star terpolymer. For the linear chains, we give the ratio of heights of the maxima in the structure function, and the ratio of the wavenumbers where there are two maxima. For the ABC star model, we give csv files containing the (x,y) coordinates of the lines in figure 8, for each specified ratio of wavenumbers and N chi values. Cite as:Joseph, M.; Read, D. J.; Rucklidge, A. M. Dataset for “Design of linear block copolymers and ABC star terpolymers that produce two length scales at phase separation”. University of Leeds Data Repository https://doi.org/10.5518/1333, 2023. Related publication: Joseph, M.; Read, D. J.; Rucklidge, A. M. Dataset for “Design of linear block copolymers and ABC star terpolymers that produce two length scales at phase separation”.(In preparation) Contact: A.M.Rucklidge@leeds.ac.uk 2. TERMS OF USE --------------- Copyright 2023 University of Leeds Unless otherwise stated, this dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. 3. PROJECT AND FUNDING INFORMATION ---------------------------------- Title: Quasicrystal in Soft Matter Dates: 2018-2023 Funding organisation: EPSRC Grant no.:EP/L015536/1, EP/P015611/1 4. CONTENTS ----------- Dataset contains three folders, one for each figure in the paper indicated by 'figure name_polymer model'. Folder corresponding to fig 4 and fig 5 contains the height ratios and wave number ratios used in the paper as .txt files. The file name indicates parameters used. Files for ABC indicates the wave number ratios and chi ratios used to make the lines in fig.8 stores in .csv. fig_4_A_lBA_s_n height_ratio_1.5.txt height_ratio10.txt height_ratio5.txt height_ratio2.txt wave_ratio_1.5.txt wave_ratio10.txt wave_ratio5.txt wave_ratio2.txt fig_6_AB_random height_ratio_betaAL0.2.txt height_ratio_betaAL0.45.txt height_ratio_n_2.txt height_ratio_n_5.txt wave_ratio_betaAL0.2.txt wave_ratio_betaAL0.45.txt wave_ratio_n_2.txt wave_ratio_n_5.txt fig_8_ABC Q_r1.20chi1.00.csv Q_r1.30chi1.00.csv Q_r1.40chi1.00.csv Q_r1.50chi1.00.csv Q_r1.60chi1.00.csv Q_r1.70chi1.00.csv Q_r1.80chi1.00.csv Q_r1.90chi1.00.csv Q_r2.00chi1.00.csv Q_r2.10chi1.00.csv Q_r2.20chi1.00.csv Q_r2.30chi1.00.csv Q_r2.40chi1.00.csv Q_r2.50chi1.00.csv Q_r1.20chi0.70.csv Q_r1.30chi0.70.csv Q_r1.40chi0.70.csv Q_r1.50chi0.70.csv Q_r1.60chi0.70.csv Q_r1.70chi0.70.csv Q_r1.80chi0.70.csv Q_r1.90chi0.70.csv Q_r2.00chi0.70.csv Q_r2.10chi0.70.csv Q_r2.20chi0.70.csv Q_r2.30chi0.70.csv Q_r2.40chi0.70.csv Q_r2.50chi0.70.csv Q_r1.20chi1.30.csv Q_r1.30chi1.30.csv Q_r1.40chi1.30.csv Q_r1.50chi1.30.csv Q_r1.60chi1.30.csv Q_r1.70chi1.30.csv Q_r1.80chi1.30.csv Q_r1.90chi1.30.csv Q_r2.00chi1.30.csv Q_r2.10chi1.30.csv Q_r2.20chi1.30.csv Q_r2.30chi1.30.csv Q_r2.40chi1.30.csv Q_r2.50chi1.30.csv 5. METHODS ---------- All these data were created by solving anlaytical expressions presesnted in the paper.