1. ABOUT THE DATASET -------------------- Title: Data Supporting Characteristics of hip joint reaction forces during a range of activities. Creator: Todd Stewart Organisation: University of Leeds. Rights-holder(s): University of Leeds Publication Year: 2022 Description: The following dataset originated from the PhD studies of Robin Layton ( University of Leeds). The dataset supports the analysis of the characteristics of joint forces for 13 activities in 18 normal healthy subjects. Activities included Walk, Walk Turn, Stand to Sit, Sit to Stand, Squat, Stand Reach, Kneel Reach, Lunge, and Golf Swing. Within the cohort ∼30% variability occurred in the manner in which each activity was completed. Within the activities the average maximum load characteristics varied in magnitude (0.5–6.4 ρBWT) and also in duration (0.96–5.89 s.) when compared to walking (3.1 ρBWT,1.1 s.). The corresponding impulse ranged from 1.6 during the Walk to 6.7 ρ.BWT.s for the Golf Swing . As high loads with low sliding velocities have been shown in the literature to be damaging to the tribology of compliant contact surfaces the findings are postulated by the authors to be specifically important for the pre-clinical testing of cartilage substitutional materials. Note: Force was normalized to body weight (ρBWT) throughout the study. Cite as: Dr. Robin Layton, Dr. Neil Messenger, Prof. Todd Stewart (2022) Data Supporting Characteristics of hip joint reaction forces during a range of activities. [Dataset] https://doi.org/10.5518/1253 . Related publications: Layton, R.B. Understanding movement and its influence on tribology of the human hip. White rose E-Thesis on-line. University of Leeds PhD Thesis 2020. https://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/26885/ uk.bl.ethos.805369. Robin B Layton, Neil Messenger, Todd D Stewart (2021). Analysis of hip joint cross-shear under variable activities using a novel virtual joint model within Visual3D. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 235(10):1197-1204 doi:10.1177/09544119211025869 Robin Layton, Neil Messenger, Todd Stewart (2022). Characteristics of hip joint reaction forces during a range of activities. Medical Engineering and Physics. Volume 108, October 2022, 103894. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.medengphy.2022.103894 Contact: Professor Todd Stewart, T.D.Stewart@leeds.ac.uk 2. TERMS OF USE --------------- Copyright 2022 [University of Leeds] This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 3. PROJECT AND FUNDING INFORMATION ---------------------------------- Title: Data Supporting Characteristics of hip joint reaction forces during a range of activities. Dates: 1st March, 2016 – 31st Jan 2020 Funding organisation: DTP Studentship funding by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. 4. CONTENTS ---------------------------------- The set of files starting with the number 1 contain the summary of the load and movement data. 1 - Average_data_all_activities.xls The file starting with the number 2 contains a zip file of the movement and forces for 13 specific activities. 2 - Individual Activities.zip The individual filenames associated with this .zip file are: Cycle_data.xls Golf_data.xls Kneel_reach_data.xls Lunge_data.xls Ramp_Down_data.xls Ramp_Up_data.xls Sit_Crossed_data.xls Sit_Stand_data.xls Squat_data.xls Stand_Reach_data.xls Stand_Sit_data.xls Walk_data.xls Walk_Turn_data.xls The files starting with the number 3 contains a zip file of the motion paths for 13 specific activities. 3 - Motion paths.zip The individual filenames associated with this .zip file are: Mean cycle motion paths.xls Mean golf right motion paths.xls Mean kneel reach motion paths.xls Mean lunge motion paths.xls Mean motion path detialed info.xls Mean ramp down motion paths.xls Mean ramp up motion paths.xls Mean Sit Crossed motion paths.xls Mean Sit to Stand motion paths.xls Mean Squat motion paths.xls Mean Stand Reach motion paths.xls Mean Stand to Sit motion paths.xls Mean Walk Turn motion paths.xls Mean walking motion paths.xls Motion path vel and accel.xls PROSIM motion path points.xls 5. METHODS ---------- Eighteen subjects were recruited from staff and students at the University of Leeds following Ethical approval that was was granted by The University of Leeds Ethics Committee (MEEC 16–021) and subjects completed informed consent forms/ screening questionnaires. All subjects were healthy and free from any injury, illness or pathology that could impact their natural gait. Movement analysis involved the use of a robust proprietory commercial system designed for high speed sports analysis and included a thirteen camera Qualysis Oqus system (Qualysis Medical AB, Goeteborg, Sweden) operated at a frequency of 400 Hz and two 600 mm x 400 mm AMTI force plates (model BP400600, AMTI, Advanced Mechanical Technology Inc. Watertown, MA, USA) at a frequency of 1200 Hz. Localised movement was evaluated using a novel Virtual Joint Model, developed by the authors, consisting of a virtual sphere that was constructed within Visual 3D located at the hip. Twenty virtual markers were evenly placed across the spherical surface, 10 anterior-posterior and 10 medial-lateral to capture the localised paths of motion. Hence, whilst the global rotations of the hip centre were evaluated following a traditional analysis, the additional Virtual Joint Model facilitated the calculation of localised surface motion paths over the joint to be integrated into the motion analysis program and batch calculated. Whilst motion path analysis has been completed in the past using matlab or similar computational models, the encorporation of this into Visual 3D by the authors offers a novel method to broaden the scope/impact of gait analysis. Motion capture and ground reaction force data was imported into the AnyBody™ multi-body dynamics modelling system (AnyBody, version 6.0, AnyBody Technology, Aalborg, Denmark). The Twente Lower Extremity Model (TLEM), taken from the open access, AnyBody Repository, was used for analysis of joint reaction forces. Details of specific methodology are published in the related publications [Section 1].