1. ABOUT THE DATASET -------------------- Title: Dataset associated with 'Directed delivery of terahertz frequency radiation from quantum cascade lasers within a dry 3He dilution refrigerator' Creator(s): Matthew Vaughan[1], Wladislaw Michailow[2], Mohammed Salih[1], Lianhe Li[1], Harvey E. Beere[2], David A. Ritchie[2], Edmund Harold Linfield[1], A. Giles Davies[1], John E. Cunningham[1] Organisation(s): 1. University of Leeds; 2. University of Cambridge] Rights-holder(s): Matthew Vaughan Publication Year: 2022 Description: There are 5 main folders within this repository each concerning a particular aspect of this work. Each folder has its own README file with more details. A brief description of each folder is below: ~The first is Electrical Transport Dataset, this contains measurements made with AC lock-in amplifiers of the 2 dimensional electron gas sample. ~Bench top waveguide measurements, these are done on an optical table at room temperature and atmosphere with a pyrometer mounted on a XY stage. This was used to get an initial idea of waveguide loss and beam profile. ~Cryostat temperature logs, these are the temperatures logs of the cryostat. Filenames are determined by the data for their creation. ~QCL LIV and spectra, is the luminosity versus current and voltage for the Quantum cascade laser. Also contains the spectrum of THz light emitted. ~Sample space power vs Thermometer, copies some data from temperature log files. This data was used to calibrate the sample space thermometer and estimate the heating the waveguide loss. Cite as: M. Vaughan, W. Michailow, M. Salih, L. Li, H. Beere, D. A. Ritchie, E. H. Linfield, A.G.Davies, J. E. Cunningham (2022): Dataset associated with 'Directed delivery of terahertz frequency radiation within a dry 3He dilution refrigerator'. https://doi.org/10.5518/1164 Related publication: M. Vaughan, W. Michailow, M. Salih, L. Li, H. Beere, D. A. Ritchie, E. H. Linfield, A.G.Davies, J. E. Cunningham, Directed delivery of terahertz frequency radiation within a dry 3He dilution refrigerator, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0102553 Contact: M.T.Vaughan@leeds.ac.uk or J.E.Cunningham@leeds.ac.uk 2. TERMS OF USE --------------- Copyright 2022 Matthew Vaughan. This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. 3. PROJECT AND FUNDING INFORMATION ---------------------------------- Title: HyperTerahertz - High precision terahertz spectroscopy and microscopy Dates: 01 June 2017 - 31 December 2022 Funding organisation: EPSRC Grant no.: EP/P021859/1 The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the EPSRC grant HyperTerahertz, number EP/P021859/1. W.M. thanks Trinity College Cambridge for a Junior Research Fellowship. 4. CONTENTS ----------- Folder list: ~Electrical Transport Dataset ~Bench top waveguide measurements ~Cryostat Temperature logs ~QCL LIV and spectra ~Sample Space Power vs Thermometer 5. METHODS ---------- Methods details for each folder are contain in the README files for the respective folder.