1. ABOUT THE DATASET -------------------- Title: NMR spectral measurements. Creator(s): Mazin Nasralla[1] Organisation(s): 1. University of Leeds. Rights-holder(s): Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP), Royal Society of Chemistry Publication Year: 2022 Description: The article, "A study of the interaction between TMAO and urea in water using NMR spectroscopy" featured a number of figures and graphs. This dataset provides tables of data that underly these figures including details of individual experimental repeats in addition to the summation presented in the main text. Cite as: Nasralla (2022). NMR spectral measurements. University of Leeds. DOI: 10.5518/1196 Related publication: A study of the interaction between TMAO and urea in water using NMR spectroscopy. Nasralla et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP, 2022) (Accepted). Contact: Mazin Nasralla, pymna@leeds.ac.uk 2. TERMS OF USE --------------- This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. 3. PROJECT AND FUNDING INFORMATION ---------------------------------- Title: Exploiting Engineered Polyproteins in the Modular Design of Robust, Tuneable and Biofunctional Hydrogels Dates: Start Date: 01/03/2018 Finish Date: 31/01/2024 Funding organisation: EPSRC Grant no.:EP/P02288X/1 The experimental costs were supported by the funding provided by the EPSRC. 4. CONTENTS ----------- File listing: The file: Data_for_DOI_1196.xls contains data tables that underly the figures featured in the main text (A study of the interaction between TMAO and urea in water using NMR spectroscopy, DOI: 10.1039/d2cp02475f). 5. METHODS ---------- The 'Methods' section of the main text (A study of the interaction between TMAO and urea in water using NMR spectroscopy) documented the experimental conditions and methodology. Very briefly, three series of binary and ternary solutions were prepared from crystalline research grade TMAO dihydrate and urea by measuring predetermined masses of solute and water using an analytical mass balance. The solutions were then labelled, and temporarily stored in a refridgerator before being pipetted into NMR sample tubes for analysis in the NMR spectrometers. The spectrometers integrated 'Spinsolve' software was used to produce NMR spectra, T1, and diffusion measurements. A further two experimental repeats followed in the period March - December 2021 from which we determined and reported the average spectral movements that were associated with changing solute concentrations.