File Descriptions: SAXS patterns beam_0_00046.edf to beam_0_00065.edf are raw 2D SAXS frames of 1 s exposures of the flow of droplets of SiO2 nanoparticles in a microfluidic device beam_0_00066.edf to beam_0_00085.edf are raw 2D SAXS frames of 0.5 s exposures of the flow of droplets of SiO2 nanoparticles in a microfluidic device beam_0_00116.edf and beam_0_00117.edf are raw 2D SAXS frames of 0.5 s exposures of the flow of droplets of precipitating CaCO3 in a microfluidic device The beam center for these frames is [597.12 937.45] and the sample-to-detector distance is 1.786 m WAXS patterns beam_1_00116.edf and beam_1_00117.edf are raw 2D WAXS frames of 0.5 s exposures of the flow of droplets of precipitating CaCO3 in a microfluidic device The projected z-axis is 148.90 and x-axis is 106.3 and the sample-to-detector distance is 0.14874 m XRD patterns Microfluidics microfluidics_calciumcarbonate_BG_31_2t_1_150.rodhypix is a raw 2D XRD frame of a 0.025 s exposure of the continuous oil phase of a flow of precipitating CaCO3 in a microfluidic device microfluidics_calciumcarbonate_BG_31_2t_1_237.rodhypix is a raw 2D XRD frame of a 0.025 s exposure of a droplet containing some crystals in a flow of precipitating CaCO3 in a microfluidic device The beam center for these frames is [418 404] and the sample-to-detector distance is 0.072 m Calcite CaCarb_Oil_0.025_sf10-2t_1_1.rodhypix to CaCarb_Oil_0.025_sf10-2t_1_3600.rodhypix are raw 2D XRD frames of 0.025 s exposures of the flow of plugs containing calcite crystals in a millifluidic device The beam center for these frames is [386.11 423.12] and the sample-to-detector distance is 0.05 m PCM_I PCM_I_Oil_0.025sec_1_1.rodhypix to PCM_I_Oil_0.025sec_1_3600.rodhypix are raw 2D XRD frames of 0.025 s exposures of the flow of plugs containing form I PCM crystals in a millifluidic device The beam center for these frames is [386.11 423.12] and the sample-to-detector distance is 0.05 m File types: EDF (.edf) files can be imported into Matlab by downloading the pmedf functions included in the file of the dataset found at Add the folder containing the pmedf functions to the Matlab file path (can use addpath function or place the files into the working folder) Then use the function [header, image] = pmedf_read('C:\File_path\Example.edf'); to read the EDF file in the specified location Rodhypix (.rodhypix) are binary versions of the Sapphire image files exported from Rigaku's CrysAlis Pro software. The header is 5121 elements long and the data shape is 775 x 800. These can be read in Matlab with the following script: %% Read Sapphire File (single frame) % Make path to file name measurement_file_fullpath='C:\Example_File_Path\Example_File_Name.rodhypix'; fileID = fopen(measurement_file_fullpath,'r'); % Open Sapphire file A = fread(fileID); % Read binary data fclose(fileID); % Close file B = A(5121:end); % Remove header fileID = fopen('temp.bin','w'); % Open temp file fwrite(fileID, B); % Write image data to temp file fclose(fileID); % Close file fileID = fopen('temp.bin'); % Open temp file C = fread(fileID, [775 800], 'long'); % Read data as long format into matrix fclose(fileID); % Close file diffpattern = rot90(C); % rotate image matrix 90 deg