These datasets are related to our campaign in Barbados in summer 2017. They relate to the paper at: (in the discussion phase of ACP at the time of the creation of this repository). We have included: 1. The APS data for the whole campaign. This is the non-corrected data. 2. The INP concentration spectra in two files: one for data that is above the background (handling blanks) and the other where the data is consistent with the background. 3. The corresponding active site density. 4. INP in heated vs unheated samples. For each pair of datasets, the one on the left is unheated and the one on the right is heated. 5. The SMPS data in the corresponding paper was from Max Plank Chemistry in Mainz, contact Mira L Pöhlker (, Ulrich Pöschl (, Christopher Pöhlker (, Ovid O. Krüger (, Thomas Klimach ( 6. Chemical and morphological SEM analysis of particles on filters - see dedicted .txt files for details.