There are three files for a sequence (2D, 3D_offline and 3D_online) belonging to each subject. The offline data (2D and 3D) gives only the detection i.e. each line represent . The timestamp is the number of 100th of the second from the beginning of day. The frame number and corresponding timestamp can be found in the 'frame_label' and 'timestamps' variables in the processed data (processed_imu_objects_data_packaging.mat). For 2D data, the center of an object is given in the image-plane (origin top-left) and the origin of the 3D data is the camera's position and is in meter. Online data is available only for the 3D data. The format is little bit different from the 2D format. Then the following format is used for each detected/tracked object . Each new trajectory is assigned a new number. Consistent numbers indicate a tracked cluster for a certain period of time. The processed data (tracklets) is provided in the processed data(processed_imu_objects_data_packaging.mat). object_id 0: bottle object_id 1: marker pen object_id 2: tape dispenser object_id 3: box (and also the cover, they are not learnt separately) object_id 98: left wrist object_id 99: right wrist object_id 255: Unknown i.e low confidence and tracker is unable to decide The variable in the process data represent the action and the corresponding id. The , , variables are cell array of length 26. Each cell corresponds to a video file. There are 5 subjects and each subject has 5 sequences except subject 5 which contains 6 sequences (total 26 sequneces). Cell index 1-5 : Subject1 Cell index 6-10 : Subject2 Cell index 11-15 : Subject3 Cell index 16-20 : Subject4 Cell index 21-26 : Subject5 The processed IMU data in each cell of consists of following field angles_ST_left : Euler angles between shoulder-torso (ST) of left hand (dimension 3: xyz) rates_ST_left : Euler rates between shoulder-torso (ST) of left hand (dimension 3: xyz) acc_ST_left : Euler accelerations between shoulder-torso (ST) of left hand (dimension 3: xyz) angles_ES_left : Euler angles between elbow-shoulder (ES) of left hand (dimension 2: xz) rates_ES_left : Euler rates between elbow-shoulder (ES) of left hand (dimension 2: xz) acc_ES_left : Euler accelerations between elbow-shoulder (ES) of left hand (dimension 2: xz) Similraly, below are for the right hand. angles_ST_right rates_ST_right acc_ST_right angles_ES_right rates_ES_right acc_ES_right The processed online object data in each cell of consists of following field: data : original framewise data object_tracks: cell array of objects tracklets with each cell representing a tracklet and the format is the same as above left_wrist: cell array of left wrist tracklets right_wrist: cell array of right wrist tracklets start_frame: starting timestamp for this sequence end_frame: ending timestamp for this sequence Any clarification please email: